
That’s not that crazy - slightly different, but every contract I’ve ever had which involved vesting over some period of time (for example, a stock grant that vests over 5 years) automatically vested if I died. You could argue one was already granted and one wasn’t, but the basic idea was the same - a contract that was

Every time I think that I can’t have more respect for Pop than I already do, he proves me wrong.

I’d react badly. Thankfully, your example has pretty much nothing in common with what they actually put in the commercials.

From a stats nerd: what he said was neither “losing [his] shit” nor “froth[ing] at the mouth”, it was presenting a well-reasoned defense of his opinion after you misstated it and accused him of hating a group (stats nerds) that he had taken pains to say he understood and valued.

You must be fun at parties.

Sounds like a plan - head over to China to organize a union and let us know how it turns out! That might be tough - I don’t think they’ll give you internet while you’re being detained, and the Great Firewall can be a real pain.

Oh come on - we all know that there already was a Shazam movie. It was from the 90s and it starred Sinbad, and I’m not not going to let a little thing like IMDb tell me that I’m wrong.

So how do you feel about the Joe Mixon case? Should we not question the amount of force he used to resolve a situation in which he was touched first? Are people who think he should have been expelled “splitting hairs”?

Yeah, I feel like that distinction is going to be lost on most kids - the entire process is going to seem like the punishment, and the less fortunate kids could seem like the ones “taking” the kid’s stuff. I guess personally I’d just have the kid know that the stuff is gone, but not where it went (giving it to charity

Serious question - do you worry that puts the association in your kid’s head that charitable actions are done as a form of punishment, as opposed to charitable acts being something to feel good about and something to do of one’s own volition?

If sleeping = passed out, this makes a lot more sense.

Hear hear!

Fuck Andrew Cuomo, and fuck the GOP even more for not being able to put up an even halfway reasonable alternative.

The NFL is indeed different than the NHL.

We don’t know exactly what the video showed - if she appeared to be an enthusiastic participant, that would very much undermine the allegations. Presumably she didn’t appear lucid and struggling, because then I would imagine charges would be brought.

Absolutely correct, but the presence of allegations also does not mean the presence of rape. Allegations must still be supported, even in a school disciplinary proceeding, though the “charges” and standards of evidence/proof would likely be very different.

It’s not a pathetic hill to die on if they firmly believe in the innocence of the players accused, particularly if they have good reason to do so. While a lack of criminal charges does not mean that a school cannot pursue its own discipline, the school still needs to have some evidence that its rules were broken - the

Or maybe there was no gang rape. Just because most rape allegations are true doesn’t mean that all rape allegations are true. All allegations should be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly, and charges should be brought if they can be substantiated. If they cannot be substantiated, no charges should be brought.

I completely agree with you on people overreacting ridiculously to anything related to air travel - I’ve got my own hypotheses as to why that is, but I’ve always found it curious and irritating.

Are you telling me that NOT all internet commenters live in their mom’s basements? Because I’ve been holding my new living arrangements over people’s heads since getting upgraded to my childhood bedroom last month, and this is making me wonder if maybe my arrogance was ill-advised...