
I misread your comment the first time - my apologies for knee-jerk creating an argument where none existed.

Your comment makes no sense - the first sentence essentially contradicts the second. If you found it so funny, why would you want him to have been guilty? Wouldn’t that have taken away your amusement and sense of moral superiority?

Sounds legit.

All of a sudden that smile looks a lot less “I’m gonna get away with this because I’m a Jayhawk” and a lot more “I’m just going to laugh, because what else can I do in such an absurd situation?”

“Flight mode” isn’t “off”. They no longer require electronic devices to be turned off during takeoff and landing like they used to.

Maybe you should do a study. Sounds like a dumb theory to me, but hey, maybe the data would prove me wrong!

Seems like the point was that she wouldn’t leave on her own and she was determined to make the cop’s job as difficult as possible. What would you suggest they do with someone of that size who is refusing to walk? He didn’t appear to me to be doing anything malicious, in fact he seemed admirably calm. I detest police

This would mark the first time in the past year that I would totally support that chant.

I think if someone is refusing to leave and going boneless to force the cop to drag them off the plane, it’s a bit optimistic to think that some possible additional financial penalty would suddenly make them think rationally.

And with any luck you’d get sued and disciplined, since you sound like a sadist.

What’s with multiple commentors referencing the long dead “turn your electronics off” rule as if it were a current rule that will never go away? IT’S GONE!

Nah. Believe it or not, the vast majority of us liberals evaluate each situation independently. While I’d need more information to make a final judgment, my strong initial inclination is that the officer was removing her in one of the few ways that was really available to him (since she decided to go dead weight, it

I speak from experience when I say that it’s infuriating to not get an overhead bin space and be forced to check your bag, (especially when you brought a little duffel and the bins are full of bags that exceed the size limits...)

I totally agree with you, but I’ve found that it’s getting a little more variable now that they seem to be using bomb-sniffing dogs a lot more - the past 4-5 times I flew (all in the past month), I only had to take my shoes off once, they used the metal detector only and didn’t require laptops or liquid bags out of

Definitely not acid - LSD has many different possible effects and they can vary hugely from person to person and experience to experience, but suddenly going limp while being an entitled asshole isn’t among them.

Uhh... it changed.

Why is Wisconsin’s current record relevant to the job status of Indiana’s football coach?

I take unbredge with your spelling.

But then people wonder why you’re replying “ice cream” to them.

American’s. Amazing.