
The military employs automatic weapons because they allow a relatively few number of soldiers to deliver suppressing fire. Tactics for attacking a defensive postion include “fire and maneuver,” which means while one group of soldiers delivers suppressing fire another moves closer to the enemy position. The suppressing

BUT HIS STRIKEO—*gets hit in the face by a 450 ft dinger*

Russ Westbrook and Carmelo are going to be like Adolf and Eva Braun. Things might start out great but ultimately, there’s still only one ball between them.

He’s the Dunning-Kruger poster child. It’s actually incredible to watch sometimes.

If Goodell had any spine or brains, he’d tell them to go fuck themselves. Instead, we’ll get an investigatory panel, a commission, a report, and Bennett will get a two game suspension because reasons.

I want the Yankees to file a complaint about NESN next. Not for cheating, but for having the worst accents on TV.

The Browns are the franchise equivalent of a sudden, jarring realization that your life has been completely wasted up to this point, and will never be getting any better before you die.

Oh man, I burst out laughing when I read that. Good job.

“But the main thing is the city didn’t ask us to become a shelter then.”

“It’s a bit ridiculous to say that the Wonder Woman of the DCEU isn’t a good icon for women because she’s beautiful. Yeah, Gal Gadot is a conventionally attractive person . But then again, one could objectively say the same thing about literally every single male superhero actor in the business.”

Amy Schumer is not funny. Like, not at all. Also, did you go out of your way to find the most unflattering picture of her? If so, great work.