
This is critical for Apple. The average customer will either never pay for TV+ or will only pay for it once every other year (I think most mobile plans are now offering yearly upgrade plans for iPhone).

Alcohol will forever be a rip-off at restaurants. You’ll pay 4x cost for a bottle of wine, more for a glass, and then liquor —- hoo boy, $5-8 for well liquor that cost $15 that has 17 shots per bottle. Just the costs of going out to eat and drink. To be fair though, I guarantee that if restaurants stopped selling

My take as someone who has worked various positions on the line at various places:

3 years? Nah.

My biggest takeaway from this article is that I will continue not buying Alexo products for anyone.

When I was younger, I believed the death penalty was just. There are just some people who have committed crimes that justify it. But the older I get, and the more cases like this I see, the more I cannot support capital punishment. One innocent life lost due to a failure of due process is too many.

Agreed. He’s not my top choice, but on this he certainly has a point -- we are going to have an automation crisis in this country and it’s going to come before millennials’ grandchildren are grown up.

I honestly prefer supermarket beefsteak tomatoes for one particular reason: heirloom tomatoes tend to be so juicy as to make the bread soggy before I get to finish the sandwich. Granted, a good spread (garlic aioli ftw) can mitigate this, but still...

Counterpoint: John Sterling should not stop doing what he is doing.

I realize it didn’t come off this way, but my original comment takes more offense at the fact that he was released at all than anything else. He’s a danger if he’s walking the streets and almost any minority would not be released at all for an offense like this, let alone without bail.

How the hell is a guy that assaulted a random stranger without provocation released back to the public without bail? Does that not constitute a danger to the public? (I know the answer, just posing the question).

But if you take away two percent of my wealth, how in hell am I going to afford my twelfth supercar ?

God damn Cable 2.0.

Of course it’s only available in Japan. What about our sweaty bois over here?

Tbh the deals weren’t that bad this year. That said, the real value in Prime Day this year was in the deals all of the other competing sites were offering. In many cases, sites from eBay to Target to Newegg were offering the same things on sale Amazon was, but cheaper.

Same here. Planes don’t bother me at all, but I just can’t fall asleep on one. At most I get into that state where you feel yourself drifting off but never quite fall asleep. It’s usually the lower back pain or the leg cramps from sitting in economy that do it.

If a 15-hour ride-along with a woman implies he is cheating on his wife with a woman, does the same with a male reporter imply that he is cheating on his wife with a man? 

Chuck Todd is what happens when you contort yourself to “both sides” the argument. When you follow your j-school’s imperative that a good op-ed should concede a point to the other side (it should!), but you concede just a few too many points every time. He is serving his purpose of being the moderate face of MSNBC.

Just curious -- does this also include the restaurants on the  Royal Caribbean cruise ships?

I guess it’s pretty inevitable at this point that in a couple years’ time, streaming will be more expensive than cable. Add in the fact that many broadband internet providers really only offer affordable, quality internet if you bundle it with tv (and phone), and consumers lose.