
Agreed. If my previous comment seemed to make any excuses for the plagiarist then I’ll chalk it up to not enough coffee yesterday. I’m seeing the guy was fired now, and he fully deserves it.

It’s questionable if you take only the one snippet into consideration. Looking at all the other provided examples, it’s clearly plagiarism. FWIW, it’s very thoughtfully executed plagiarism and the author definitely tried to cover his tracks by thesaurusing some words and rewriting some phrases.

This should be pretty self-explanatory: Don’t vote or campaign for people who would see the people of your race, creed, sexual orientation, or color eradicated.

The pictures in this article made me sad that I live in New York. The car just looks so much better without a front plate.

Thiiiiiiiiiiiiis. Lobster roll, hell no. But I want some of them thai chili chips now.

I don’t know enough about the uncle to judge him, but where I’m confused is who gave Jesse Watters the impression that we want Jesse Watters in the United States?

Even if they didn’t actually believe in what they were doing/saying, they should have the better judgment to say no. It’s the least we can expect of an elected official -- have the judgment to not say racial slurs on camera; have the judgment not to recommend arming 3 year olds.

I’m sure she’ll have a talk show on Fox News or on Sinclair networks within the year.

Honestly doesn’t look like he’s trying to slide into home plate so much as he lost his footing. Yikes, either way.

Because depression is a choice, meds always work, and it’s that easy to rise above it, right? Have you ever stopped to think about how severely depression has to mess someone up that they would take their own life? It’s not a choice, it’s a sickness. Is it terrible for everyone involved? Of course it is. But it is

It’s just the latest term for the NWO or the Illuminati. Because it’s so difficult to believe that racist assholes get what’s coming to them, it must be a conspiracy.

If there’s one thing this issue has taught me it’s that so many of my “family and friends” are idiots. Take for example “Family Member 1", who wrote a message yesterday on Facebook to the effect of “Just shut up and do your job”, ignoring the fact that Kaep can’t do his job because none of the social elite NFL team

I live in an area in upstate New York that gets frequent tornado warnings but nothing usually comes of them, so naturally I thought nothing of the alerts coming through my phone. That’s when I looked up from the home office window and couldn’t see 5 feet outside my window. A tornado passed less than a half mile from

I’ve been on a roller coaster that’s been stopped. Fortunately, it a traditional roller coaster where there’s a cart underneath you, not like this one, and we weren’t upside down or anything. Turns out one of the safety restraints hadn’t properly been closed/secured/whatever.

The scientific and unimpeachable—even though gin and tonics are gross—results are as follows:

I remember spending a good 2-3 minutes playing with the curtains in the first Splinter Cell demo that came in OXM before the game came out.

Because there are dumbasses in this country who are so blindly racist that they probably think “low black unemployment” is a positive aspect of slavery.

Mission Accomplished!

100%. Yeah it’s rude. It’s also extremely rude to condemn thousands to death and millions to hardship just because a few of your rich friends want a tax break.

Reasonable people: “An armed guard didn’t stop him from shooting/injuring two people.”