
I am for some reason pissed about this and I’m not even really sure I can express why. What I can express is this. WHYTHEFUCK can’t people understand that it’s a pumpkin SPICE latte and is not supposed to have freaking pumpkin in it. Why haven’t corporations learned from New Coke? Don’t change shit.

I would rather we all drink STRAIGHT Class IV caramel coloring than give this victory to the fucking Food Babe. Goddamnit...

To say that Chipotle’s decision to remove GMOs from their food, and likewise this decision from Starbucks, is “being more mindful” is a sad show of scientific ignorance. Is the caramel colouring actually harmful in some way for us to consume? Because anything that comes out of Vani Hari’s hysterical mouth is bound to

I’m still in rage-filled denial about Kraft Mac and Cheese no longer being orange.

The other day, I saw her book in a bookstore and moved it back to the fiction section.