
I probably wouldn't make a Manhattan with a fancy rye, but an Old Fashioned is basically just straight whiskey with some seasoning. Best Old Fashioned I've ever made was with a pricey bottle of Angel's Envy Finished Rye.

It's not whiskey, and it's hard to come by, but Kyrö makes a few rye gins that are just incredible. I order mine from New York to my boss's house because he lives in a state where shipping alcohol is allowed.

I said it could be construed as a threat. Not that it matters, because your “no shades of grey” means that the guy could have tweeted that he planned to use a handshake as an excuse to get close enough to Kavanaugh to kill him, and he would have been obligated to shake the man’s hand.

The most expensive bottle I’ve ever seen was a 25,000 euro in a glass case at the airport duty free shop, as if someone may buy that on a whim during a layover.

A well-made ragu is one of the finest sauces you can put on top of pasta.

Just because you’re not capable of seeing shades of grey doesn’t mean that there aren’t any. He said on Twitter that he wanted to help ensure that Kavanaugh wouldn't be appointed to the Supreme Court. I sure as hell wouldn't shake hands with someone who had made a statement that could be construed as a threat against

Asking servers to tell people to put away their phones sounds like a great way to cut into their tips. Fuck off, restaurants that are doing this.

The guy who stocks our vending machines has cans of Yoohoo on his cart, so I know it isan option somewhere in this building, but we sure as hell don't have it as an option in my floor's machine. We have 13% of our machine dedicated to Diet Big Red, for some ungodly reason.

Can we all make a pact to never look into what Popeye's does with their money, please?

Replace the tomatoes with mushrooms and rice with quinoa, and this is basically my wife's recipe. Hell, it's what I had for dinner tonight (sans cheese, as I'm trying to be less of a glutton). I never thought of it as old people food, though. Probablt because I never had it before I got married.

Meanwhile, puppet master Papa Murphy sits upon his throne, watching his enemies destroy themselves, leaving him to reign as the undisputed Papa of the pizza industry.

Hehe, itnwas actually made by a Merchant Marine when I had it, too. Bunch of salty fuckers.

You lost me when you enjoyed Bit-O-Honey. Maybe it’s a seasonal thing, because this is probably the first time anyone has ever eaten one before at least the first weekend in November when they’re out of good Halloween candy and starting to get desperate.

Meatloaf IS terrible. It is meatballs in brick form so you don’t get the crispy outsides.

Dear Salty Waitress: How do I conduct basic human interaction?

Shredded cheese on tortillas is my go-to late night snack. And of course I take a pinch of cheese for myself while I'm at it.

NOPE. Haven’t touched chipped beef since I got out, not planning to change that in the future.

SPOILER ALERT: They start out that way.

Ideas for other Snoop Dogg-themed recipes:

Honestly? There’s probably some truth to what he said. Not justifying or excusing his actions, but I feel like they probably WERE looking for a way to get rid of him. He could have applogized and put his head down for a while, and people would have forgotten the whole thing by now. His immediate removal makes me think