
I feel like they're pushing the whole Booth/Parish love so far, I'm not sure they'd have the guts to make Ryan a true bad guy. He definitely has something still hidden, but I feel like it's secret family or shady military history that an OTP can overcome. I killed a whole bunch of people and framed you is probably not

So I've been wondering if Vasquez and Booth were married, then split, and now get back together. We've been told Booth was married (whether this is true or not remains a mystery but it feels like legit character mining although with this show you never know), and there seems to be some importance in pushing them

She ruined the South Glen South Ram's baseball season when she ratted out her brother. Then she had the audacity to delay the playoff game.

We had someone yell down the hall the WTC had been bombed. I distinctly remember the guy walking next to me turn to him (his friend) and sternly say that's not funny. We got to social studies a minute later and the teacher was frantically trying to get the TV in the room to work. We ended up walking to the 8th grade

Yeah, douchy face =/ whores and stereotyping gay men.

I've seen my fair number of tweets about wanting to see, albeit almost all of them with the caveat that they are slightly embarrassed by this fact.

Sex and the City kind of sucks too. It's whiny, shallow, wrapped in it's own white upper middle class bubble, and features not a single person I would ever want to be friends with all desperately trying to be people you want as friends. A little like 'Friends' but with even less self awareness and no one sticks a