
Yep. Great idea - TERRIBLE and unfunny film.

I wanted to love "Sausage Party", but I honestly don't think I genuinely laughed once. The kind of jokes you can see coming a mile away and you think, "Nah, they wouldn't be that lazy" - and then they land and you're so disappointed, you can't even muster a groan. You just sit there, kind of depressed as it goes on.

I think it was an attempt to stretch the episode into being an appreciation of concert docs they love in general - Waits' "Big Time" being the obvious reference - but yeah, that really made zero sense in the context of the actual episode. No idea what that was all about. Yeah, it was a great Waits parody and it's

Depends what you mean by "famous". Which ones are you referring to that they haven't done yet? I know certain ones they looked at and avoided, because they couldn't find a hook for it that could subvert it successfully - or that were too played out ("Roger & Me", for example). But so far, they've been hitting all the

This series is a gift for comedy and film obsessives. I still can't quite believe how fantastic it is. And I'm just going to say it again, every chance I get: Seth, Bill and Fred, if you're reading this: DO "BURDEN OF DREAMS". Hader as Kinski and Fred as Herzog or vice versa - find a twist on it, but my God - if there

It seems to me that the thesis of the show is wrapped around the idea of how man can remain moral in a world dominated by technology, which is, in of itself, and in relation to man, amoral - which is a vital topic, if that's where they're going - especially the idea that if man is allowed to do what he wants with no

Is anybody else PINING for them to do "Burden of Dreams" next season (praying for a third season, of course)? Just imagine Hader and Armisen doing Herzog and Kinski. It would be amazing. lol

This might be the best so far. It was brilliant.

To view "Swimming to Cambodia" as a "white savior" story is pretty ludicrous, considering that nothing but despair and empathy about the people he's talking about is displayed in the film - as are his own hypocrisies. So - not sure what that narrative in this review was about.

This is the best news of the year so far. Holy shit.

I wouldn't say he's a "cold-blooded killer" in that scene; he probably knows Jabba's going to kill him, because he doesn't have the money - or Greedo's going to kill him if he doesn't go with him - or thinks that Greedo was sent there to kill him. It was pre-emptive self-defense - that's always how I saw it, anyway -

The whole season is amazing (it's only 4 shows, unfortunately, but then, the first season of "Mr. Show" was only four episodes) - and the final sketch of the last show is fucking brilliant. My favorite sketch of the season is probably the Youtube constitutionalist trying to get his rights abused by the cop. Be sure to

Considering that the episode ends with sterilization procedures being carried out on mentally handicapped people by the eugenicists, one would guess that it's going somewhere rather frightening. It may have been a bit of a placeholder episode, but it ended on a horrifying note. This season appears to revolve around

While it's a bit disappointing to see him playing the "goofy sitcom friend" (something T&E have mocked mercilessly), there's *just* enough of that Wareheim ironic delivery and odd phrasing that protects him from falling wholly into it. And he directs a lot of the MoN episodes, which is great.

Yeah, it has a very basic, almost old-fashioned sitcom rhythm that, placed in the context of a filmed, non-laughtrack show, often comes off quite awkwardly. The problem to me is that if you placed a lot of the scenes of this show on a soundstage with a live audience, a lot of the writing would be quickly revealed to

He directed half of the episodes, as well. ;-)

Yeah, pretty much any band you see, even in your local bar, is using a soundboard. It's how each member gets its levels right in the front speakers. The singer, for example, needs hear themselves, etc.

The show is stunning.

It doesn't invoke "Frances Ha". That was a film about human beings. This is a film with cardboard cut-outs from memories of past films as its main characters - people you wouldn't want to spend more than 2 minutes with. I tried watching this, and I wanted every single character to be hit by a truck inside of 15