
First Bowling Title. The Bowling program is only 6 years old.

NO...they are not. Look at the the margins in the Southern States. Clinton was getting 85-90% of the black vote.

That data is misleading. Look at the individual states. That is all that matters.

LOL...um no. You see the margins in the “Diverse” states she ran up? She was getting 85-90% of the Black vote, 70%-75% of the hispanic vote. If you can’t win those demographics as a democrat, then u dont deserve to be the nominee. That’s why Bernie can’t win. He will lose NY, NJ, California, and Pennsylvania big. When

You are fucking clueless.......Texans are not interested in Bradford. Idiot.

Win the games on your schedule. BTW...the Texans beat the Jets.........this year.

Wont happen......

No chance......that will happen.

Texans beat the Jets this year.......