
That would be hard on any guy.

Didn't Tebow routinely go down on his knee and pray after scoring a touchdown? I don't recall him ever getting penalized for that...

"players are prohibited from engaging in any celebrations while on the ground." Isn't every celebration technically performed on the ground?

"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."

See, I think you kids are confusing beating with spanking. A smack on the hand is still hitting a kid- but it's not a beating. Adrian did indeed beat his kids. This article equates that with every instance of spanking ever. It's not the same.

Anyway, I get it. Your parents didn't spank you, and you grew up to be

No. If mom and Dad were parenting together as a unit, it would be better. Spank or don't spank, it doesn't matter. Just present unified rules and boundaries for the kids, together.

I'm not defending Peterson, I'm defending spanking. As I said, leaving marks is is above and beyond what is necessary.

I'm living proof that it works. I sincerely doubt any of you are parents. If you are good luck. Also, if you good this post verbatim, I'm sure you'll find my G+ or FB page where I've cross posted. Please feel free to share your prejudgements with me using your real names.

Please STFU. Every once in a while, a spanking is necessary. I've been lucky; my daughter is three and some change and I've never had to hit her until once, a few weeks ago. Sometimes, corporal punishment is needed and can be effective as long as you follow three rules:

"I've seen things."

This is me as well. One of the most disturbing things I've seen (and I purposely try to avoid talking about it with people b/c it makes me feel icky...and yes, I'm a terrible person) was Anthony Bourdain's episode of Parts Unknown in Israel/Gaza. If you watch it, he goes to a settlement in Gaza where "youths" have

lol what kids suffering in Israel

Yep. I'm Jewish, went through the system...I don't live in Israel, and they certainly don't give a shit about my opinion, and they don't let me vote...so how is it "my" homeland again?

The knee-jerk support for Israel from some Jewish people has always been disturbing to me. During one of the many conflicts between Israel and Palestine, a Jewish woman said that when her kids complained about their first-world problems she would tell them to think about the children suffering in Israel. And I

"As a Jew, and as someone who has been raised to always support Israel (which, according to my parents, is my spiritual home, although I have never been)"

No wonder most Americans automatically side with Israel, we're both wealthy nations filled with shamelessly self-absorbed assholes so far removed from any conflict we enter that it's incredibly easy to cheerlead for atrocities. I wish I could even be surprised that Violent Nationalism Selfies are a thing, but I can't.