Stuart P. Bentley

It says to do it in the instruction booklet that came with the battery.

Remember when this was THE ONION A.V. Club?

The idea that terrified me the most, as it was put forward in the context where I originally heard about this episode, is that this isn't what the world has come to for these people: this is merely a new form for prisons. That's what made it plausible, and horrifying, to me: the idea that an upper-echelon of society

That movie? I believe you meant to say that graphic novel that was never ever adapted into a movie ever

To be fair, Flight of the Navigator does involve a slight bit of time travel forward (due to one party moving at near-light speeds resulting in a relativistic desynchronization with the outside world), and it takes place during the Eighties and involves hair metal.

No, that's in the domestic cut as well, the joke being that Wells remembers it as a name that would be more common for his time / place.

He remembers the name as "MacDougall's".

I got a new battery for my phone on Tuesday and, trying to kill it to get a full charge/discharge cycle last night, I queued-up my always-present HD video of Primer on my phone, expecting the battery to eventually die and let me go to sleep.

Or the UHF DVD commentary, where Weird Al validates Emo Philips' parking?

The best thing about that line is how it provided the pull quote for the NPOV template on Wookieepedia.