Jordan Hunnicutt

This review almost made me tear up a bit.  I'm mainly adding this to contribute to the 10,000 posts goal.

Only two people put Yuck on their list!?

I second most of these entries myself.  But I would like to add "I'm Gonna Lasso Santa Clause" by Brenda Lee, "I'm Gettin' Nothing for Christmas" by the most annoying child imaginable and ever single damned version of "Marshmellow World" there is in existence.  These particular tunes make me hate this season.

I can't tell if he's being ironic about Whitney or not…

I don't know if I can wait that long.  I mean, the end of the world might happen before we get season four!

Yes!  All I want is one more season and then they can graduate.  Then and only then you can cancel the show.

I don't know what pisses me off more; the fact that it's happening at all, or that Whitney gets to stay on.

Just like the ancient Jews who had the name "Jahova" to use in the place of the real name of their god,  I just say "The Band" or "The Ones Who Play" and keep their real name holy.

I assume you are a fan by reason of the fact that you have all the albums and stuff.  So I ask why not get it?  The more Sigur Ros in your life the happier you will always be.