Who cares about digestibility!!!??? He can have explosive diarreha for all I care. The obvious problem with what that idiot as been doing is that you can feed a lot more people out of a bag of COOKED rice !!!
Who cares about digestibility!!!??? He can have explosive diarreha for all I care. The obvious problem with what that idiot as been doing is that you can feed a lot more people out of a bag of COOKED rice !!!
Who cares about digestibility!!!??? He can have explosive diarreha for all I care. The obvious problem with what that idiot as been doing is that you can feed a lot more people out of a bag of COOKED rice !!!
after the preview, that was quite a downer.
after the preview, that was quite a downer.
Dawson said that she chose that swimsuit because it was ugly and loud and it was part of her strategy for not being considered a threat.
Dawson said that she chose that swimsuit because it was ugly and loud and it was part of her strategy for not being considered a threat.
''Friends'' type relation, please !!! it's like rinse and repeat. You must really be in love with that pseudo quirky hipster to keep giving that boring mess of a show such high marks…
''Friends'' type relation, please !!! it's like rinse and repeat. You must really be in love with that pseudo quirky hipster to keep giving that boring mess of a show such high marks…