Jordan Orlando

You know, I never thought of that.

You know what's funny? The effects in Superman are famously "bad" (by today's standards), but I actually think nearly all of them are right on the money. The compositing could be better, and a lot of the flying stuff is off, but everything involving destruction and debris (all those slightly-slow-motion shots of

@avclub-130f14e3e5c0263f013b56d8c212f26a:disqus "No; by causing the deaths of innocent people."

You raise an interesting question.

Oh, come on; "forbidden." Right. Go to Earth; "inspire" them; be "as a god to them"…just don't have any meaningful effect.

Hackman's performance is really something. As with Brando, it's an outmoded, nearly theatrical tradition whereby filmmakers really can solve serious storytelling and believability problems by hiring huge superstars.

"There's only one 'p' in rapist!"

…I'm sorry. This whole post is extremely thoughtful and interesting, but I'm laughing at the phrase "suitable attire for an active lifestyle on the go" used to describe Captain America's uniform. It sounds like salesperson patter/catalog copy describing some Nautica running clothes rather that the clothing of a


Snyder's Dawn of the Dead is a great zombie flick that doesn't get nearly enough praise.

No, I'm aware of all that. You're right.

@avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus He may not think he dislikes them, but he does.

It's almost as ridiculous as "Bruce Willis doesn't remember he's got superpowers."

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus I'm just saying: as long as we're rating the worst possible movie offenses. "Endorsing the Klan."

It may have "come from" Donner, but Donner was simply using his (considerable, proven) dramatic instincts to make narrative sense of a big soggy mess of elements that had been assembled by the Salkinds and Mario Puzo and the other writers…a preponderant one of which was Marlon Brando's idiosyncratic involvement in the

@avclub-912a96819c9a3f09a4217e7dbb4d3e74:disqus The spacing: the kerning and the tracking both. Mostly the tracking.

@avclub-5b6df64e0a7d4e8b0560d6ea7260acae:disqus What do you mean, "make no sense"? They're awesome! Real design for the first time in decades. Those corridors in particular are perfect. Such a relief after all those ugly "Hyatt Regency" rooms. And (in Into Darkness) we get to see a warp core that looks like a warp

I assume you're referring to my "apologetic" comment. What I mean is, just as the makers of Mission: Impossible (snotty writer Robert Towne and snotty director Brian DePalma) considered themselves "above" the material, and therefore made a movie that didn't really indulge any of the joys of procedural spy thrillers

Well there's "endorsing the Klan" (Birth of a Nation). That's kind of worse.

It's a little bitty place…