Jordan Orlando

We all kind of bought it. I was 12 years old and pretty much thought everything in the movie was beyond awesome.

No, but he was a major character.

The only reason it got applause is because the audience was so stupified by how little was going on in the movie…the mere shock of anything happening onscreen with any concussive force whatsoever was like water in the desert.

The only reason it got applause is because the audience was so stupified by how little was going on in the movie…the mere shock of anything happening onscreen with any concussive force whatsoever was like water in the desert.

As Cyclops, he wore that visor, so we didn't have to look at his piggy little face.

Obviously we're just going to disagree…but come on; really? The way Routh gave that speech to the kid at the end? I've rarely seen an actor with so little presence. He makes Megan Fox look skilled.

The only reason for the "Christ imagery" is the Salkind family (who admitted that they knew almost nothing about the comic-book source material) hiring Marlon Brando, and then (in order to justify his unprecedented, enormous salary) having to come up with something fittingly "heavy" for him to do…which resulted in a

Yeah, that's exactly right. Routh was a cypher; Cavill was great.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus viz. design: I couldn't disagree with you more.

But, in a totally stunning twist, the fifth arrival will turn out to be "the real deal."

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus I respectfully disagree. I think the seeds of Trek's destruction were laid by Roddenberry himself in the mid-1980s, when (after being justifiably fired from the movies), he laid the groundwork for The Next Generation and all subsequent 24th Century Trek. The only way out

No, they're launching a long series of articles about you.

Yeah, I forgot about that. What the hell? And, the whole Marsden character in Returns is so completely ridiculous…as if any woman on earth wouldn't immediately say "Get lost, pal" once Superman re-entered the scene.

He's not going to approach Star Wars the way he approached Star Trek because it's a completely different situation.

They didn't get the font right. It's not the correct version of Gil Sans, and the spacing is messed up. I mean, come on; the R/Greenberg Associates title sequences is one of the masterpieces of title design; at least mimic it accurately. (R/Greenberg also did Ghostbusters, Alien, The Dead Zone and dozens of others.

Nobody talks about the "Superman performance itself" because it was a nil; a cypher. The guy wasn't even there. You can't call it "bad acting" (in the awful Hayden Christiansen/Shia LeBoeff mode) because those guys are at least trying. Routh was just standing there.

Also, compare and contrast:

Loved this movie. There was something really uniquely good about it; it had an etherial, almost surreal approach to the utter waste and trash it was depicting that was in the grand tradition of The Panic in Needle Park and Cruising and a few other pitch-black 1970s movies.

What do you mean you "guess"? That was a spoiler! Repent (or edit)!

Sorry but no sale. It was a complete misfire from stem to stern, made by people who (apparently) don't really like comic books or comic book stories and want them to be something else.