Michiel de Groot

I love the way Wind Waker looked, but they should definitely not have used it afterwards in the two DS Zeldas - the point of the cel-shading is that it looks crisp and cartoon like, and the jaggedness of the DS models completely killed that.

Pretty much what Zack said. It doesn't help that the motion control doesn't feel like fighting, but more like you're doing puzzles - every enemy has some sort of block in a direction you can't slash, and it just makes the combat slow and rather dull. The sky world also feels completely unfinished and empty, which

Also, where did "My TV Club" go? It'd be frustrating to see that feature go.

Sort "by grade"? Please, no, no, no.

That bit in BBBB was well-meant, but it always takes me out of it. It just didn't feel like something a 24th century space captain would say, but rather very much something a 20th century American scriptwriter would say.