Doug Holmes

I grew up southern baptist, I know well enough about the so-called trinity. There's what you read in the bible, what you know about Christ's life, and what they rattle on about in church service.

I'm worried for those that didn't, considering that dog only reappears every time the intro plays.

*Not just because they're boring, which they are, but also because it's kind of shitty to turn your only real female character into more or less just a victim, and doubly so when she's been well established as a badass who gets shit done.*

Adultry specifically refers to extramarital relations. What he did was sex outside of wedlock with what I assume to be Mary Magdalene of whom was a prostitute.

*Jesus is technically God. Father, son, Holy Spirit — the whole three in one deal*

"Firstly, it's my good lady. "

I haven't the slightest clue who you are. It's just stupid that girls such as yourself think any guy that says something nice to you (or any woman) is out to fuck you. The narcissism is unreal, and is quite misandrous to suggest a man can't be nice to a woman without some sort of sexual pretense.

You can't undo the history, my good man. Because his history can't be undone, the events leading to that history can't be undone. It's one of those things about people from the future affecting history, I can understand that part of the story not being able to be undone, so it stood to reason that the affect he had

Oh yes, because any time a man compliments a woman, it LITERALLY means "i want to fuck you."

"The problem with the Eobard thing is causality - sure, he stopped existing *after* Eddie shot himself, but if Eddie dies, he doesn't die… he stops existing, which means he never existed. Which means he never came back to the past. Which means that Eddie doesn't die… you get the picture. They just kind of handwaved

Well, in the comics when he saved his mother, he never became the flash.

"Okay, at least I convinced you on the philosophy of language."

1) I'd be ignoring it if there was a clear case of assumed filiation, which is missing here. What I see is rather than a wordy "I am Barry's legal guardian" and, for lack of a better term, they use "adopted" in loosely applied manner. Very much the way you use "incest," and the way others use the "singular, gender

And what's your argument? Does he owe something to someone? Are people in Barry's life entitled to a certain something that would make Barry a dick for not fulfilling? Does Barry have a social responsibility to be a certain somebody to people that would make hima douche if he wasn't, regardless of the reasons why?

He did not assume filiation. Barry's last name is Allen, not West. Assuming filiation is literally the crux of adoption, which CLEAR AS DAY did NOT happen.

Look, they never said he was adopted, you have to inject that in there. It must be assumed, and considering Joe's view on all of it, it doesn't sound at all like that's what happened. He clearly didn't assume filiation of Barry and left that with his parents, meaning he's not his legal son.
Guardianship and outright

*LOL, no I didn't, dummy (ad hominem!)*

*Feudalism is, at its core, an economic system in which a very small number of privileged individuals create an environment through political and economic manipulation where the vast majority of the masses have no choice but to work for them, usually for long hours under poor conditions.*
Lords were political leaders,

Well then maybe teens should inspire writers to depict them differently by not being angsty shitheads prone to piss-poor decision making.

*I'm pretty sure Joe legally adopted Barry.*