Lawrence Bonk

I don't think that many people have issues, or at least I don't, which the general plot of the prequels. They are cool. Dark, Palpatine is a fantastic villain. It really all boils down to the acting and the words coming out of their mouths. That part is done so poorly, so very poorly, that it makes people unable to

Meet Kevin Johnson…

I sorta enjoyed the first two, first more than second, but the animation kinda makes me feel gross and sad sometimes. Especially Ezra. He looks so stupid I just about can't stand it.

Toph is by far the best representation of one of the old cast 70 years later. It just feels right. Aged but still the same person. Katara just sorta seems like a nice old lady and Zuko hasn't really been in it enough to get a bead but man Toph!

New Avatar world shows until the end of time, please.

red dead is simply a stunning achievement. I can't believe it's not talked about more as a high watermark for AAA titles.

this song is…pretty great.

Aaron Rents, Sells and Murdersssssssss

I'll be that guy but Fresh Kid Ice was not a freshman rapper by the time of 2 Live Crew's sixth album. He was part of the gang since the beginning.

john larroquette is finally getting his meaty character piece! kitty must be amped.

oberst has a ton of money. he managed to squeak in and get huge at the end of those days when people still bought music.


phew. this is exactly how i was hoping the show would be. i don't like prequels unless they are in some way off kilter like this. now it can also be considered a post-quel! wait, there has gotta be a better word for that.

I got a Big Bang Theory notification for this?

ultimately we can't complain since i don't think anyone has paid for music since what, 2002?

where are all of the "microsoft needs to get out of the console game" comments? if nintendo did something like this there would be message board hell to pay.