Jamie Ball

Ugh for some reason I thought that scene happened after the bear. Never mind, thank you.

Not really, she's been talking about it for a while now. "After the long summer, darkness will fall heavy on the world. The stars will bleed. The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas and the dead shall rise in the North". I think she didn't realize how little time they have left until that moment. It looked like

Did I miss something? Didn't Brienne and Jaime say goodbye to one another? "Goodbye Ser Jaime". So what was she doing with him in King's Landing?

If they are, it's gone terribly wrong

How could he have continued to punish Catelyn after he married Talisa? He would not have come off as a strong leader but rather as a hypocrite. Do as I say not as I do? Is that the king people will respect?

Who are the good guys?

I agree, I just don't see it happening with him taking his father's place as ruler. That door was shut for good last season. Also I really like his sister and want to see her take over.

Hey, 5 out of 8 is not bad

Didn't they play it during the ending credits at one point? Can't remember but I know for sure Bronn sang it last season during Blackwater.

Yeah we all felt like this when Ned died but came back for more

But Balon made it very clear that his daughter will be his heir. Anyway Theon is not in any position right now to be ruler of anything. Then there's the fact that he's a flop, I doubt the iron islanders would welcome him with open arms.

All of the awards for Michelle Fairley! She made damn sure my heart was put on a grinder.

They know how to play the game and they don't mind getting their hands dirty to do it. Although I love House Lannister, they're all great characters even if they're not necessarily likable as people.