Julia Oceania

As Jefe said, Q lets it be known in this very episode how frustrated he is over her seeming lack of understanding how certain magic is above everyone else but possibly her. On the one hand he digs that about her, on the other, he is measuring himself and he comes up short. Also, Eliot and Margo are the cool "kids",

I also think that killing the guy he thought was his boyfriend gives him probably more motivation than most to fight this MF

While I understand the criticisms of Quentin cheating on Alice, as a viewer I understood how it happened. The Vulcan spells, mixed with alcohol, were the catalyst for it. It was far from the best episode so far, but I do think calling it a hot mess is a bit overly harsh. And btw, I don't think you understood the

More like your dad from the 1960s

Do you taste like chicken?

The scene in Downtown LA was set up last week. There was a "homeless" zombie that was being abused by the cops, and this scene was actually televised. Knowing what a tempest in a teapot social issues can be in Los Angeles, it is easy to imagine a bunch of anarchists going to Downtown to make a political statement not

Meh, I am not into girls.

I haven't seen but half of Season 1 of The Wire. For some reason that show has been really hard for me to get engrossed in.

I'm already rooting for the snooty bitch sister to get eaten.

.Yeah, that episode would be deblurbed, like a$$man, soup nazi, and regifting entered our lexicon

A paint gun…. lol

That still doesn't change my point, she chooses whether to be a nightcomer or not, the cutwife said she had a choice

The only reason he would have to refuse the order is that this guy needs him alive to bring Ethan back to Daddy. So, Ethan could probably have been confident that he wouldn't have been shot

I dunno, I'd rather be raped than dead, but that is just me.

Yeah, he's not coming back. At least the actor went on to something better… I hope it works out for him

I love Billie Piper and enjoyed her dialogue from last week, but I love Dorian more. I think it is because he maybe sinister, but he is just a hedonist, and I can identify with that.

I dunno, he ripped through Proteus like a hot knife rips through butter.

If he kills her first would that make it okay? I mean, I notice how him pulling those wretched people apart seems morally sound to you, but rape is out? LOL

Lily/Brona was proving to herself that Dorian would heal because Dorian is immortal.