Julia Oceania

Speculations: Coldhands could be very easily coming into play. I am wondering if I am the only one the is hoping for Bran to seek out his siblings. By the end of this season it would be immense if all the remaining stark kids were under one roof, even if that roof needed rebuilding (Winterfell).

It hurt my heart and I didn't even know I cared that much about Hodor. Maybe Bran will be written feeling the way I am feeling about it. Hodor was really important to him,

You really don't know how this is going to play out and connect to Bran's future development. I think that scene was important because it is going to dawn on Bran in a very personal and real way what the power he has is, and what that means for his place in the war to come. It is one thing to have someone tell you

Whether you think the show earned the right to tell that story, it it definitely smells like a GRRM plot twist.

Meran sounds better

This episode literally made my heart ache in my chest. It is only the second time I have felt heart broken by a television show (Ozymandias anyone?). I don't like being that sad at a tv show necessarily.

My point is that this world is full of monstrous actions by most of the characters.

King Robert would be a monster by those calculations. He was into murdering babies to insure his rule. Stannis = monster, he killed his own daughter and brother for the throne. And then there is Jon Snow, willing to hang a child because the child wanted to avenge his parents

This is the experts edition of the GoT blog, in other words, it is written for book readers.

He treats people like objects, no doubt about that. But he isn't a sadist. He just doesn't care.

And therein lies the seeds of his downfall

Possibly, I think he molded Sansa into a much more savvy player than he intended to.

Little Finger isn't a monster, he is a plotting narcissist, but he doesn't inflict pain for sadism's sake. Everything he does is calculated to gain him something he wants, but he is no where in the same league as Ramsay.

Well, it is looking like another Dornish twist that shows the television series is subpar to the books. Little Finger doesn't give Sansa to a monster in the books

I think he thought Ramsay was a typical Bolton, sadistic, conniving, and self interested. Ramsay is all of those things, but he is much more depraved than the average Bolton

I had the same thoughts as you. I didn't understand how Little Finger could boldfaced lie to Lord Robin about how Sansa ended up in the hands of the Boltons. Does he think she will lie for him like she did when he murdered her aunt? This is hardly the same situation. He dropped her off with a monster, if you were her

The Hound was never a knight and I didn't really see him as privileged. He seemed to disdain all things Lordly or Knightly

To me it doesn't make sense to watch perverted movies produced by a monster that sexually violated his daughter. Such people do not belong in society, much less have a storied career where everyone celebrates them. Maybe you have no problem with that, but me, every time I see his ugly monster face I think about what

If she wanted the world to know the name she goes by now she would have attached it to her letter that appeared in the NYT, she didn't want it known, it was that man who exposed her. He did it maliciously. He is contemptible. He revictimized her. He is a cretin

I will always stand up for Dylan. If she reads through these comments I want her to know she is believed. I don't care what incredibly vile BS his supporters say. Their trash