Jason Fischer

If the Nolan movies were in any way trying to be representative of "post 9-11 American solidarity" that might be a meaningful criticism.

Unfortunately, Criterion (and most of the other smaller, non-studio labels) are the exceptions to the rule when it comes to waiting a few months to buy a new release for very cheap. They pretty much never lower MSRP and their releases from 10-years ago still only get normal discounts (10-35% off) at places like Amazon.

To be fair, a 70-minute film CAN feel too long - if the story being told isn't interesting enough to justify the length.

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus "I really do believe that's at the core of it: as you gain life
experience, the kind of "revelatory film experience" becomes decidedly
less revelatory"

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus "I really do believe that's at the core of it: as you gain life
experience, the kind of "revelatory film experience" becomes decidedly
less revelatory"

Or it might be just that they weren't as good as their predecessors…

Or it might be just that they weren't as good as their predecessors…

Anderson makes some of the warmest, most compassionate films out there, and I think he's only improved with time. "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and "Moonrise Kingdom" probably rank as my favorite of his films.

Anderson makes some of the warmest, most compassionate films out there, and I think he's only improved with time. "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and "Moonrise Kingdom" probably rank as my favorite of his films.

I very rarely enjoy horror movies, but I thought "Cabin in the Woods" was one of the most enjoyable times I've had at the movies this year. Everything from the elevator scene on made me really happy.

I very rarely enjoy horror movies, but I thought "Cabin in the Woods" was one of the most enjoyable times I've had at the movies this year. Everything from the elevator scene on made me really happy.

One of my favorite arguments: "I haven't heard of it - that must mean it's pretentious."

One of my favorite arguments: "I haven't heard of it - that must mean it's pretentious."

I love "Gerry." The first time I watched it was one of those (warning: cliche) "spiritual experiences" for me. It's one of those movies that I watch once a year and it never fails to cheer me and help give me some perspective. Weird, I know. I also really enjoyed "Holy Motors" - significantly more than I enjoyed "The

I love "Gerry." The first time I watched it was one of those (warning: cliche) "spiritual experiences" for me. It's one of those movies that I watch once a year and it never fails to cheer me and help give me some perspective. Weird, I know. I also really enjoyed "Holy Motors" - significantly more than I enjoyed "The

Cute, but… That doesn't really make sense. Very few, if any of these movies are on Netflix. Many of them haven't even gotten a wide theatrical release yet.

Cute, but… That doesn't really make sense. Very few, if any of these movies are on Netflix. Many of them haven't even gotten a wide theatrical release yet.