Tyler Treacherous

Jimmy is a terrible strategist and he's already maneuvering himself into a corner. Eventually he'll alienate everyone of his associates until all he has left is mum. The more I see of King Jimmy's reign in AC the more it makes Nucky look better. As long as Nucky can outwit the slutty DA he can just sit back and watch

I enjoyed it. Personally I think so-called "reviewers" and critics should find something better to do than cover a show they think (as if opinions matter) is bad.

The next person that mentions Tony Soprano or anything Soprano as it relates to this show will be hung upside down in a meat locker and their throat will be promptly slit ear-to-ear.

Sounds to me like you want the same old crap that's been done a thousand times. Buscemi's style makes this show different than all previous crime drama's.

Why bother watching the show if you don't like any of the main characters? No sense or logic in it at all.

I'm pretty sure that Herschel did mention the barn before. I believe it was when the group first started to set up camp on the grounds.

Moral of this review and this episode. Never let women write reviews about zombie related shows or movies and never let women have guns in a post-apocalyptic world.

Cool story bro

Cincinnati is the shit. Fuck Nucky!