Charles M. Hagmaier

I think it's an English-language affectation *based* on the Hebrew YHWH thing and lack of vowelization.

Yeah… I love LMB to pieces, but that sentiment is a recipe for massive corruption and bloody-handed tribalism in practice. It works in tiny little polities where you can relate to your 150-200 personal acquaintances, but once you step out of the village or hunting band, you have to start dealing in abstractions and

You sure she didn't say something about the entire Bolivian Army being out there?

Agents of SHIELD had a character catch a pretty little headshot and *still* wasn't dead, Because Magic Nonlethal Firearms. Grrr, way to mess with visual presentational expectations, you half-wits!

Eh. I've never really got the over-the-top enthusiasm for monkeys and gorillas among comics fans, esp. Silver Age fans.

The Machine?

What, not a fan of "Be Careful With That Axe, Eugene"?

I liked Elias, but his arc was complete, it was time for him to go.

I don't know what they mean by "core heuristics". The morals Finch evoked in the final, successful iteration were entirely emergent, weren't they? If the heuristics store includes something like a personality matrix, then fine, no problem. But if it's a "build a new Machine" kit, that's a problem.

I liked the imagery, but the music selection was… not great. "Welcome to the Machine" might have been a good opener for the *beginning* of the season, or an opener for an inside-Samaritan episode, but for the death of Thornhill? Eh.

To answer your question, I thought the season had potential, but it was mostly wasted on tail-chasing and "yeah, so?" plotting. Last season was so exemplary that this one has felt weak and repetitive in comparison. I think we needed to be more inside the government operation and less inside the numbers business, and

So who's going to eat Alicia's sins now that Kalinda's lit out for the territories? I mean, she can blame puppet-hand Kalinda for a few months, but that shit has an expiration date, doesn't it? And she totally threw puppet-hand Kalinda on Finn's grenade.

It was kind of crowded in a cast sense, and it had too much fighting. This is the first Marvel film I've seen that really feels like it has "CGI disease", although others had kind of teetered on their tip-toes on the edge of the void, Winter Soldier in particular. Age of Ultron had too many objects-on-rails


The problem here is that Thomas is the Lester Freamon of the Court, just sitting off on the side making his toy furniture and occasionally smiling ruefully at the shenanigans but never saying a word until it's finally time to say a few.

You'd need Warren Jeffs for that if the stories about LBJ are true. Man reportedly turned his secretarial pool into a harem.

Teve, is that you?

What, you think they'll "kill" Her, and then she'll reinstate the next morning from a hundred million virtual spores on smartphones throughout the noosphere?

I'd guess that Panjabi slept with one of Marguiles' relatives, except this is more than that would justify. Do we know if one of Marguiles' pets has gone missing?