Charles M. Hagmaier

RD strikes me as one of those "more conservative than Republican" activist angel investors, and it makes sense that he'd be the sort to be implicitly hostile to machine politics regardless of the party label. Peter on the show has been the epitome of malleable machine go-along-to-get-along politics, and he just

I just assumed that he was sort of joking, and just meant he took his Catholicism seriously.

At this point, he's the developed "piece" they had to slot into the justification. No, it doesn't make sense that Diane would prioritize her ideological scratching-post new client-crush over settling the chaos at her firm, but clearly the writers want to explore issues again, and have tired of political machinations.

Somehow, the idea of an army of ninjas lurking about, putting in substandard brewery equipment and cheap neon-lit bar fixtures while leaving a bloody trail through the offended trade-union locals strikes me as pretty fertile ground for a black comedy. Although it strays perilously close to the first season of Arrow

I just spent fifteen minutes chasing my own tail through the howling wilderness that is the wiki pages on taxonomy, and I know less than I did going into it. But I *think* you have that syllogism by the wrong foot.

Annoyingly didactic secondary school social studies teachers. From my time judging History Day competitions, it seemed like every other cadre of kids had been marched through Turtle Bay to gaze awe-struck at the magnificence of World Government in embryo.

Rilly big bird?

He ran the politicians and the cops and the corporations. He's what's keeping the bureaucrats and the troublemakers out of the gears of the business, removing friction. By leaving a trail of bodies two blocks wide, but still - he's a fixer.

Really, can't agree too much with this. I had been wanting to talk about the cleverness of the set dresser putting that copy of the Power Broker in the confrontation scene between Ulrich and Fisk, but now I'm all deflated and cranky and not really feeling it, which is a shame, because it's one of my favorite books

His ears were really red in many of his scenes. Either they did it deliberately for some reason I can't figure or it's the actor's tell that he's excited about something. It was striking, whatever was the cause. Anyone familiar with the actor's other work? Has he looked like that in previous productions?

Fisk's plans for gentrification features significantly larger body counts than those of your average Midtown developer.

Happiness is a warm pit bull.

Hydra's attitude toward powered types is *exactly* like Pokemon kids. Capture them, "train" them, deploy them to fight your battles for you.

It's an explicitly racist label, resurrected by people who insist on seeing everything in racial terms. Of *course* it's going to shade, inevitably, into patronizing attitudes, reverse racism, and even outright bald-faced paternalistic racism.

When you start your wesen life by murdering a Council assassin face-to-face in a straight-up fight, your respect for their writ may be somewhat limited.

I'm watching Veronica Mars for the first time. Kenneth reads more like a transporter accident merging of Aaron Echolls and that Dick kid.

Well, I wouldn't refine on Charlemagne's nobility and refined culture, his war on the Saxons was that of an imperialist settling a restive native population, the beginnings of the Drang nach Osten, albeit to be interrupted by a century and a half of the second wave of barbarian invasions. The Saxons were to be

Almost right, but it was Gary Hart's forehead, as McGovern was trying to run a bed and breakfast in Vermont in 1984 and re-registering as a Republican.

I guess there's still a ranking of prestige, where the director of a major picture is superior in social cachet to a showrunner? I mean, it shouldn't be the case, but aristocratic distinctions rarely retain their original sense for long in the face of changing social environments.