Charles M. Hagmaier

I'm not up on my definitions. What's the distinction between autonomy and agency? Is it the space between Stoicism and Existentialism? The one denoting choice in the face of power, the other choice with power?



The God of Moses was the one that said "thou shalt not murder", and the emphasis is on "murder", not killing. The God of Abraham told him to sacrifice his first-born to Him, and only when Abraham showed willing was he given a miraculous "out" w/ the goat in the brambles.

Like in this week’s Daredevil, which has yet another speech from Karen talking about how scared she is all the time, and casts Vanessa Marianna as the Madonna in white that can wash away all of Wilson’s sins and teach him to forgive himself.

why does he keep firing after he sees there’s no one inside?

Go whistle to yourself, dog.

It's also a way to say something different about the conversation and the characters than what they themselves are saying at the same time. Done well, it should be a signifier of a narrator with an agenda, done excellently, it can be an indication that your narrator, in point of fact, is utterly unreliable.

I loathe being told what I'm seeing while I'm seeing it. It's insulting.

Well, there's the problem that you don't know the provenance of the weapon - see the guy in the third episode opener who foolishly took an automatic from Turk, and had it misfire at exactly the wrong time.

Weren't the junior Whedons and DeKnight all on Spartacus together? Hmm, imdb says I have an exaggerated sense of the junior Whedons' experience on that show, nevermind.

Hmm. Anybody have any crew experience? Could the lighting thing be an artifact of the guys doing it?

Much better editing, construction, and a sense of place through location and possibly crew availability. Agents has "filmed in Hollywoodistan" syndrome. Also, it may just be a matter of the look-and-feel from the crew available in NYC productions vs. SoCal productions.

There were some deleted scenes in the first Iron Man movie, after he built the suit, leading up to when he went back to Afghanistan to curbstomp the warlord army.

Argh! The elements of this episode were individually great, but the editing! My god, intercutting between that scene w/ Jia-yiang & Skye and the "Cavalry" incident's climax wrecked both, and knocked me right out of the story. If your editing choices requires taking perfectly fine performances and using them as

Half joke, kind of like what Senator Clownshow likes to call "kidding on the square". There's an American politician/bureaucrat who's far more well known on this side of the pond than the British actor, whom I apparently have seen in a thing or two, but never to the point of actually registering his name.

How retired can Jones be, given the rather limited time-frame of publicly active costumed superheroes in the MCU? I'm not familiar with the character, but she seems to come out of the cluttered, continuity-haunted milieu of a fully matured superheroes-and-supervillains "city of adventure" situation. It seems like it

Something drops to the pavement which looks and sounds like the back third of Anatoly's brain.

…said pretty much every denizen of purgatory after year five of a six hundred year term.

I've had that argument with a priest. From a low-church perspective, they really jump through hoops to ignore the plain sense of the gospels and pretend that the Mother of God was a perpetual virgin. "Cousins" my ass…