Charles M. Hagmaier

Well, she's more of a machine angel…

Ernest Thornhill, in point of fact. Although I like "Henrietta Wintermute", just to see if anyone blinks.

Yeah, but I think they included that primarily to paper over what otherwise would be a "construction crews on the Death Star"/"Accidental Ewok Genocide on Endor" logic hole - these guys do all the heavy programming to protect our leads, but are left out in the cold to be liquidated by Greer & Co along with the

Maybe it was a cheap forgery? That didn't look like a priceless work of art, it kind of looked like… well, a plastic prop. Which it probably was…

Riley's improbable number of kneecap shots should have outed him as the Man in the Suit by somebody in the NYPD. Cops are explicitly *not* trained to shoot extremities, as IRL it's a crazy-stupid way to resolve a shootout. If you have to shoot, center-mass until they stop moving.

You know Dick Cheney's Disqus handle would be "Darth C", right?

Root murdering two or three random restaurant patrons would be a good deal more dark than the writers seem to want to take the character these days. I think it's probably just another case of PoI's cartoon-physics relationship with casual violence.

Yeah, DS9 is about the only Star Trek I can take in large doses, and Dukat was, hm, not the best thing about that show, but definitely a grace note.

Well, he was sitting out on that cold-ass mountain in the dark for a while. That ain't good. People die from exposure in the mountains all the time. I know a woman who knew a kid who passed out drunk in his truck one cold spring night up on a mountain down by the Maryland border and didn't wake up, few years back.

Eh, I think we were meant to take it as a "but for me it was Tuesday" moment, except this version of Boyd isn't into villain monologuing, so he just shot him to end the conversation.

She's a common character actor, I was just unsure if she was previously on Justified and we were supposed to remember her from a previous episode. Justified is full of actors who are more memorable than, say, all the interchangeable blonde high schoolers on Veronica Mars, but it's still been a long ride with a lot of

The Boyd of that mountain-night armed debate sounded more like the Heath Ledger Joker than his usual cornpone Elizabethan self I'm not sure I'm as much on board with the scene's brilliance as others here seem to be.

I thought it might be some sort of local outlaw legend, but google only comes up with this episode and Yellowbook entries for the Pizza Hut in McKean County, PA.

That looked like a moonshine shack if there ever was one. The late Grubes didn't look to be the sort to pay for his hooch in cash.

It feels like we've got more than 45 minutes of plot remaining, that's for damn sure.

Seriously, it was Simon's "why my ex-bosses are a pack of assholes" swan-song. Nothing but distilled Take That, and that shit gets old after episode three or so of a season.

How would it work? Loretta somehow gets an extra round in the rest chamber and he shoots himself in the leg by accident?

Boyd's less Nietzschean than Sartean - an existential hero rather than a will-to-power ubermensch. Existential heroes' heroism lie in their fidelity to their authentically derived principles, however monstrous, anti-social or vile by external societal and cultural standards. Boyd's too much of a born loser to