Charles M. Hagmaier

Vazquez is being unreasonably squirrelly. If we had a couple more episodes, I'd think that *he* put the hit out on his boss and was prodding Duffy to see if Duffy knew, and Duffy sure as hell knew. I don't know, that whole plotline feels underdeveloped and kind of irrelevant to the A plot. Part of why I can't agree

Any technological maguffin of that stature which can't be stretched across multiple plot-points and scams isn't worthy of PoI's history of wicked plots. They didn't need seven blade servers to hide the identity of a half-dozen Machine operatives. That's a veritable pandora's box of possibilities there, and given

Eh, the antiviral gag should have caught that out, explicitly. Unless She's… what's the term? Recompiled herself in a new Machine-written language? If Samaritan has the fingerprint of the Machine, it should have enough to back-engineer it, at least in a limited sandbox environment. I wonder if both AIs have

He's a driven anti-virus crusader. AI like Samaritan and the Machine *are* malignant viral infections of the noösphere. He's kind of the natural enemy of aggressive AI, even if he isn't a particularly credible threat. Sort of like a wasp in a closed car. Not a great threat in and of itself, but you don't want it

All I could think of was how many people died when the Russians tried to use knock-out gas to shut down a mass-hostage situation about five-six years back. That shit ain't safe.

Eh, the episode felt kind of "been there, done that". I may have seen too much of this show, it's starting to feel repetitive. And Khan's fall was just too rapid - the speed of it all came across "blackly comedic" rather than tragic or terrifying. Like something out of Joe vs. the Volcano.

Well, yes, that's what WT101 is for - mixing drinks. It's a hair too strong to drink it neat, but it doesn't have any of the nasty after-tastes that haunt the bourbon bottom shelf.

Depends, are you a Boyd fan (Elmer T. Lee), Katherine (Eagle Rare), Walker (Buffalo Trace) or Art (Blanton's)? Elmer T. Lee runs around $32 up here in expensive-booze Pennsylvania; Eagle Rare around $27-$29, Buffalo Trace ~$24, and Blanton's somewhere north of $55 for a fifth. Personally, Elmer T. Lee is alright,

I'm vaguely surprised he didn't digitally insert himself in uniform into one of those staff portraits. Except the old farby would probably prefer a Confederate staff portrait, I suppose.

That's the mid-shelf Eagle Rare? Yeah, it's a pretty good utility bourbon. I think they had Katherine drinking Eagle Rare a couple episodes ago?

Forced speech is an interesting question, especially in the case of a printer. Are printers obliged to take business? Can a Jewish printer refuse the business of a Stormfront or other neo-Nazi outfit? Can a Christian printer refuse the business of someone looking to print Satanist tracts? Hell, can someone with

More to the point, the timing of the "who gives a shit" aspect of this furball is off. She's a SA-elect, Peter isn't up for election any time soon - why is she still running for office? She should be neck-deep in organizing for her new job, not doing the news circuit. And yes, Chicago electoral corruption is always

Explosive toenail ejection

,,,one feels the need to curbstomp Dan Rather and demand the frequency?

Seems to be a reference to the Judaic age of adulthood - 13 based on the whole bar/bat mitzvah thing? It also shows the writer isn't Japanese, where the age of adulthood is 20.

There was an exposition point in the first episode that she had a pulse, but an abnormally slow one. They seem to have some circulation, but nothing at all normal.

I didn't get that far into it, mostly stuff about the plotline started in this episode about missing skater kids and some musician-zombie who didn't really look like the show's version of "zombie" - hair, eyes, so forth.

Hulu had the *wrong episode* loaded early this morning for iZombie, from the context I'm assuming fifth or sixth episode. Confused the hell out of me until I noped out to watch some Veronica Mars while I waited for them to load the actual episode three.

corpses in fresh graves would be pickled to a fare-thee-well, which couldn't be good for cognitive functioning in Blaine's clientele or him, himself.

I just want my Livewires, damnit. MCU has badly bobbled A.I.M. so far.