Charles M. Hagmaier

So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.

What, no mention of the fact that they managed to get a funhouse mirror echo of the Hillary email imbroglio into an episode in less than a month of production time? Talk about "ripped from the headlines" topicality…

Due process is in the eyes of the judiciary. Watch out if the magistrate has a financial interest in the local armor-and-arms establishment…

He hasn't shown up yet? I thought Mina Harker/Murray was a character introduced in the pilot? I didn't take to the pilot - still raw after Dracula got cancelled, and it seemed too much like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, the Series.

Then now would be an odd time for that to matter, her sitcom has ended and she doesn't seem to have much in production right now according to IMDB. Unless she's doing theatre now?

Leans forward, confidingly: "I'm the good twin."

Maybe a thought experiment which does't feature poison quite so prominently?

Why abort when you can just sell it to one of the baby-eating wesen?

Up to this episode I'd assumed that a "Zauberbiest" is kind of like a Dhampire except with zombie-witches instead of vampires which - I forget, have we run into vampire-equivalent wesen yet? I mean, other than sort-of-related creepy-crawlies like Aswangs.

at what point did you know that Stacy = Linus?

SM Stirling's writing this interminable fantasy series about technological civilization collapsing, 99% of humanity starving to death, to be replaced by medieval paganism for the most part. They're filled with the wildest sort of food-porn, complete with dietary orgies of harvest festivals and so forth. It's so

I would have thought Pakistanis = "Wildings", complete with bald scarred cannibals, and the White Walkers = Taliban.

Kirsten *Dunst* just wishes people would spell her last name correctly.

I got chased out of the one and only freshman film studies course I took in college because the prof's buddy noticed me making fun of her taste in terrible French New Wave film on Usenet and ratted me out. But seriously, Masculin/Feminin is just a terrible, awful waste of time, people. That professor sucked.

Ah, slightly more reliable for the preferences of… well, college sophomores.

Well, the sort of "science" which runs about trying to prove what people enjoy via surveying a dozen college sophomores, certainly.

Eric Flint's mad 1632/Assiti Shards project is far more impressive, structurally speaking, although he's made it work via, essentially, turning it into an open-source construction project. It enjoys the unusual status of becoming increasingly better as it grows. The first book wasn't particularly good, but as the

At this point I'm more interested in how the writers' room find their way out of his paint-slopped corner than his eventual solution. All signs point to him setting the house on fire so that nobody sees the footprints in the wet paint.

To be honest, there are writers out there who do better dialog, better characters, better description… GRRM was once a great craftsman, and then he spend a half-decade in Hollywood writing TV scripts and the like, and came back a shock-and-awe hack more interested in epater le bourgeois swagger than polished craft.

There was Little Mosque on the Prairie, as Hulu insisted on repeatedly informing me last year. I guess it didn't make it to a second season?