Charles M. Hagmaier

Or perhaps the Machine has started opening larger and larger holes in Samaritan's coherent worldview. They put a stick in Finch's play to put a back-door into Samaritan, but I'm still holding out hope that the Machine had a day-one exploit built into those seven servers that has been corrupting the opposing AI all

Someone who lives in a world where repeated gunshot wounds to the torso don't incapacitate tiny little Samaritan agents.

The first half of the show had me fuming that the whole thing was a shambling mess of a filler episode, but the convolutions of the back half made up for the shaggy staging and handwaving that got them in position to pull off the set pieces. Still not a great episode of PoI, but not quite the trainwreck it looked to

That's what I thought. Which means he was like 22 or 23 when he first played Sark. He's either one of those rare actors that looks older than his birth date, or his publicist has doctored his public records to keep him viable for, well, CW shows like iZombie.

It occurred to me. And we need more of Coulson being the underestimated Almighty Janitor, there's been too much "our heroes suck" recently after a distinct up-tick in competence earlier in the season.

"You've never gotten my name right, sir."

I was waiting for Director Adama to order Hunter thrown out of an airlock. They keep trying to stuntcast their way out of a fundamentally broken series concept. Maybe we'll get Mary McDonnell as well before the show flames out? Holy crap, Major Crimes is still on the air? I dropped out on that retread after the

MCU seems to go through helicarriers at an accelerated clip, are there any functional? They lost the one in Avengers, and the three under construction during Winter Soldier were supposed to fill the gap, weren't they?

I think it was a straight-up carrier. Which are kind of hard to hide from the US military unless they're using some sort of bizarro stealth tech. Especially since they have to be somewhere within easy commuting distance of… where the hell is Coulson's hideyhole? Somewhere in Georgia, given Mack's cover story about

I dunno, I'm not sure I'm on board with Anders. The business about him being allegedly younger than his targeted older-lady-of-means - man, Anders hasn't aged well, although the zombie makeup doesn't help, I suppose.

The plotline ended better than it began, and admittedly, as much of the chaffing was from Diane snarking off at the company as the lummoxy behavior of the company. And the shifting off of the wimminfolk to the spa made more sense once you got the back-story about Techie Boy Wonder and his fake Blonde Republican

I apparently missed an episode last week. Damnit. Thought it was a rerun.

Having had some time to think about it, the Platt character may be their planned opening to do some sort of Gosnell-type story, although frankly it seems more like an Alicia-as-SA story than a Lockhart & Agos sort of thing.

I was kind of going back and forth. The Cole character was *not* set up to be this establishment-big-money Republican, so having him hobnobbing with rich bastards shooting deer and letting their buddies bring their whores to socialize with their wives is just wildly off-tone. The guy we've been shown up to this

But what if a piece of her lip… came off? Woged hexenbeists look like they might start losing pieces at any moment.

I'm not sure if the Stuarts got the "healing touch of kings" thing from their pretense to the French throne or if it was considered a characteristic of all anointed kings, but Charles I was quite enthusiastic about performing the touch, considered it part and parcel of his divine right and all that. (Likewise, I

Todd was an adult, too. But the necklacing took the starch out of the Jenningses. A bridge too far, and it left them unwilling to go any further.

Prolly a lot of people late to the comments this week, Amazon Instant Video burked the upload and it only finally released early this morning. Such service we pay good money for!

It was a woman, and I don't remember now. Eventually arrested I think. And I only had that guy's word that it happened, people do like to tell their tales. I seem to remember that she kept shopping until she found one willing, and there was a conspiracy trial. But I may be conflating that in my memory with a

It's about the going rate in some flyover areas for cheap (read very unreliable and about as likely to get you turned over to the cops as pull off the hit, I knew a guy back in the Nineties who got offered five grand to kill someone because "you're Italian, that means you're mobbed up"), but it's definitely cheap for