Charles M. Hagmaier

Because… transporter accident? I forget why Major Kira was carrying Miles O'Brien's baby to explain Nana Visitor's unexpected pregnancy on DS9…

Was that what that was about? I assumed it was a psychosomatic reaction.

Perhaps they're retconning that it was because Adalind was kinda weak as hexenbeists go, before all the magickal plot rollercoaster track powered her up a bit. She was pissed that Juliette was so strong, so soon.

Given their woged appearance, minor succubus powers seem almost an evolutionary requirement, else they'd die out.

It doesn't help that she's been shown to find her own appearance loathsome and upsetting in the extreme. That can drive a lot of… antisocial behavior. I keep coming back to te story of Izanami-no-Mikoto, who when her husband, repelled by her physical corruption and impurity, locked her away in the land of the dead,

I've been operating on the theory that they're not beast-wesen, but part of the occult-mystical branch of the wesen tree, along with the Royals, the hexenbeists, and the various not-strictly-wesen oddities. It would explain why there's so much mythology tying the hexenbeists and grimms together.

Seriously, hexenbeists are literal embodiments of the post-death career of Izanami-no-Mikoto, although thankfully they're past the… juicy stages of putrefaction for the most part. All the rest of the wesen are beastly hybrids of living things (aside from that volcanic spirit-thing, and zombies and the occasional

Big No!

Which David Bowie is the one in "I'm Afraid of Americans"? Off-His-Meds David Bowie?

What was that? I couldn't hear you over all the whistling in front of the graveyard.

The Bishop's hero is that SS soldier from Saving Private Ryan who knifed the Jewish soldier after having been spared twenty minutes earlier. And he might be right - nobility shouldn't be a synonym for decency, righteousness, or niceness. Aristocrats are people cruising on the credit of deceased ancestors, drawn from

She's got that killed-by-bleach thing going with her hair. Dead, dead hair. I wonder if she's supposed to be wearing contacts? Her eyes should be a lot freakier than they are.

I intended to watch Jane the Virgin, except by the time I went to do so on Hulu, the pilot had already rotated out of their "last five episodes" slug. Eh, I'll catch up some day.

Argh. Add Justified and Person of Interest, and there's no way I finish watching the Tuesday slate before work on Wednesday mornings.

Was that what he said? I heard "Ebony and Pasty", which might be a bit old for the intended audience, I suppose. Hell, it's a bit before my time at that.

Except the show itself is a high-concept gag built on a structure stapled together from Forever and Psych. So far the tone is more Psych than Forever or Buffy - although they've switched up the manzai act so that the lead is the tsukkomi and the sidekick is the boke. Malcolm Godwin even looks a bit like Dule Hill,

It's a love affair, mainly jesus and my hot rod.

That's why I was irate - it's clear this is his plot by writerly diktat, but it doesn't line up with his behavior in previous episodes when nobody else was watching. Also, his dastardly plot is too baldfaced and boring for me to embrace it. The story I *thought* they were telling would have been cooler. But then,

There must be *some* reason they keep dressing Wynn like Namor the Submariner.