Charles M. Hagmaier

What *is* Ron Moore doing with his time these days? (IMDB says, Helix and Outlander, neither of which I had the slightest interest in up to this point. Am I missing something with either of them?)

"The Calvary" is a Satanist-themed supervillain from the religious-superhero pilot The Twelve and the Cross, hasn't been picked up yet, but word is TBN is interested.

Yeah, those were pretty goddamn awful. And why wouldn't SHIELD just have them surgically removed instead of making her wear preposterous metal mittens that could be removed by anybody with access to a machine shop? Admittedly, there's probably some sort of tamperproof screamer chip on the mittens, but SHIELD's been

Identical cousins.

Bizarro Wells is at best a mediocre comedic foil in the JLA.

Because after an hour, an activated Wand starts generating its own micro-rainclouds in its general vicinity.

Banshee does time travel and evil tachyon-powered alter-ego-cum-malignant-mentoring?

I'm pretty sure that's the first we've seen of Central City's coast. Am I just missing something, or did they scramble the geography on us? DC's American geography usually puts the Flash's hometown in the heartland somewhere away from Chicago. But then Smallville stuck Metropolis in eastern Kansas on an unidentified

With its time-travelling alter ego, or just arguing with its own speed mirage?

Really? I was pissed that they were burning so damn much plot in a sloppy mess of an episode, until they rolled it back in that last time-travel loop reveal. Although I can't see how we're not supposed to take the Eobard Thawne reveal as gospel given he was monologing at a dead man, and I'm not exactly sure how that

OK, fine, it's a polemical way to describe them, but how else would you label those sorts who loudly insist that any practicing politician isn't pure enough to be representative of their views? I offer you those folks who insist that Obama is right-wing, that the media is conservative, that the press is biased

Only if you include the Maoist left of the Democratic party in your continuum, and even then, he was at best centre-right. He had Scoop Jackson on his natsec right, the Wallaceite rump on his race/law-and-order right, and the rest of the Dixiecrats likewise on a less populist axis. Previous to the breakup of the

Seriously. Cabin in the Woods was the horror-show version of Inglorious Basterds, and I don't mean that as a compliment. I mean that as "genre picture that hates and loathes its audience and wishes they would all die in a fire, hopefully started while the film is playing in the theatre".

I would have preferred more Iron Islands if it meant that we got less of Ramsey fucking Snow BDSMing away in his dungeons. But we'll probably get more Daenerys being reduced to uselessness as Queen-Governor of Iraq/Mereen. Because the source-material's later books are all about taking the surviving likable or

So it was. Ugly pud of a van. And it would have been a relic by 1983 - production ceased in '65.

Honestly? I don't know much about the early history of the IRA, and I barely know anything about the Irish Civil War. Everything between 1916 and 1972 is pretty much a detail-less blur to me as far as Ireland goes.

Ames? No, he wasn't counterintelligence, he was part of the sections on offense, it was why he was so dangerous. Also, he wasn't active until a couple years later. Hanssen was assigned to hunt himself over at the FBI, but that was in the Nineties.

She is or was. It would be a scandal if Hollywood could muster up the necessary hypocrisy. Instead romantically-inclined people seem mostly to be going "awww" about the role-induced adultery.

?? I don't see how that follows from what I wrote. The whole Church of Christ/United Church of Christ thing confuses the hell out of me. There's a liberal mainstream United Church of Christ, which doesn't seem to have much to do with the sort-of evangelical Church of Christ, although they both have roots in the

I feel that way about pickles in general.