Charles M. Hagmaier

The association of fundamentalist evangelicalism with the right wing mostly began after the Fourth Great Awakening. The Third was all about the Social Gospel and populism and so forth. The post-Scopes-Trial inward anti-political turn lasted about forty-fifty years, until the Seventies saw a return to politics among

But only after breaking out his Leon Trotsky disguise again.

Eh. The original practitioners of "modern" terrorism - the Irgun and the Stern Gang in Palestine, for instance - officially practiced terror against members of the British military and civil service. In theory, that is - in practice, the King David bombing killed a hell of a lot of civilians, including over a dozen

That's a lot of drums.

Their baptism ceremony was full-immersion. I hate to break it to you, but that's an evangelical church, probably in the Baptist tradition. It's quite clearly a very liberal evangelical church - the pastor getting arrested in nuclear freeze protests is a major marker for that - but still evangelical. Which is not

Nope, that was a trademarked Pretty Little Headshot.

Agents will do false-flag operations, but if they care a bit about their own ideologies, they will prefer direct action. So if your targets are plotting a false-flag attack against their own public interests, tempt them with a direct action target of opportunity. So, they're sullenly plotting a fake ANC bombing, but

Not only are Unitarians not the only faith tradition on the Christian left, they weren't even the most important element of the 20th century Christian peace movement - that would be the Quakers. Left-wing evangelicals were very much a thing in the Seventies, and they were very active in the white side of the civil

It was a bit off, the full-immersion baptism, but that church was definitely supposed to be a hyperliberal evangelical outfit. We went to a fairly liberal Methodist church in flyover country, and although our youth minister had us listen to Pink Floyd and was otherwise fairly "with it" for the time, nobody was

Not to mention the tactics and practices of the ANC-in-the-field were very typical of the era - so much so that the ANC's "necklacing" execution style was a terrorist fashion-forward exemplar of the time. Nelson Mandela was able to float above all that due to having been in prison throughout the period, but his wife

Walter Taffet *is* the character Clark claims to be. And he isn't skulking about marrying secretaries and leaving bugs, but rather marshalling squadrons of obtrusive drones with scanning equipment *looking* for bugs. She always has been excessively credulous for an FBI employee, but this has to be a bucketful of

I was thinking that he was a Ramone - more period-appropriate. Are there any surviving Ramones these days? They seem to be dying young.

I assumed she was Venter's backup if the meet turned into a grab. The South Africans were out of position and unprepared for an opposing team, and that's why they got spattered all over the sidewalk and the Jenningses didn't. Also, Ms. Headshot was driving some off-brand European horror of a van, not at all

I think I liked the zen review better.

"Thus, I refute it," said Dr. Johnson, firmly kicking Disqus before the bishop.

I liked the idea of Megas XLR far more than the execution, which was severely underwritten. Not everything needs to be visually brilliant like Samurai Jack or really well-written, but you need to bring *something* to the table other than high concept.

"Nick Blood" is such a Marvel name, that the character's actual name seems inessential.

I do agree that Sif was largely irrelevant to the major plot beats of this episode. It could have worked just as well without an Asgardian to hold everyone's hands in the infodumps about the Kree. And I'm not a fan of Alexander's work on the show - she was harmless enough in the Thor movies, but on AoS she's been a

Harold's "still, small voice" was neither still nor small, and though he hadn't yet given it a voice, it rang out from every obsolete pay phone he passed with murder in his heart.

Eh, Thurm is right that the concept was pretty well fulfilled by the end of the fourth season. The rapid-fire genre-switching ate through ideas at a hellacious clip, and they were starting to repeat themselves by that point. And it was a concept that *couldn't* be concluded, not and be true to the tone of the