Charles M. Hagmaier

Yeah… it's kind of preachy. I can get over it, but the bah, period sexism! tack is about as 2014 conventional as you can possibly get. There's a certain foolish refusal to give Carter a past, one in which she's been dealing with this sort of crap her entire life. She's… too much an audience stand-in. Which is a

I don't wake up early enough on Wednesday mornings to clear my queue from Tuesday nights these days, which is set aside to nurse whiskey in the local microbrewery while my friends drink their hoppy swill. I have to catch up on Justified this evening.

It's like a cobra's hood. He'd be like 30% less nerdish without it. And they need as much nerdliness as possible to ward off the possibility of any sudden-onset break-dancing.

Was there any ham on it? It looked like solid pineapple.

They got that wrong. Willy Pete really should have lit Barry up like fireworks.

No, just one hell of a crackerjack contra-metahuman skunkworks. Which we need to see at some point.

Really? That would be kind of awkward given that Arrow is the "realistic vigilante" show, and The Flash is catching all the superscience Silver Age wackiness. I was just thinking this morning that they'd probably need an "aliens and magic" show to keep up the "territorial craziness" theming. I assume the

Well, no radiation, so maybe it was just a meteor strike? Hell, there was a fuss the other month about a mushroom cloud in the eastern Ukraine, people were panicking that somebody had used tactical nukes until the word got round that it was just a munitions dump going up.

So what you're saying is that Wells is Magneto if he were a min-maxing RPG munchkin.

I may be a drunk, but I'm addicted to ellipses…

I read it as Dottie cosplaying as Peggy. She clearly wanted to "be" Carter in that one room-tossing scene.

Poor training, preparation and expectations. He was caught unawares, and it can take precious time to observe and orient when you're not in the moment. By the time he had decided, she was already inside his aim and disarming him before he could act.

I just laughed to see that the Red Room invented parkour sixty-some years early. Take that, Batroc the Leaper!

Speak for yourself, Lois Lane was the best thing about the Smallville, and definitely was the best thing about season 4. Lane done right is a hoot. Is Iris West going to be a good Lois Lane substitute? Magic 8 Ball says… signs point to no.

How can we improve our appreciation algorithms without proper metrics? You're never going to make it in the cut-throat world of Fandom 2.0 if you don't mind your metrics and TPS reports.

It's the best, most consistent show to come out of the Bad Robot shop. Less crazy than Fringe, more honest than Lost, less sentimental and soppy than Believe, much less soapy and arbitrary than Alias.

My money's still on this entire season being one long cybernetic shaggy dog story, with the actual winning card having been palmed by the Machine back in last season's last episode in the form of the seven servers. They still haven't explained what the deal was with the algorithm expert Harold shook down in Hong

Claire got shot *twice* in the same chest quadrant. She should be completely wrecked at this point, not just standing at attention in Samaritan HQ. PoI's production team has lost all perspective when it comes to bullet wounds, their characters are starting to act more like early FPS sprites than flesh-and-blood

That heady, self-righteous buzz you've just given yourself a hit of? It's known as altruistic punishment, and it's a sick, evil drug. You suck for having indulged in it, because you don't know shit about my situation, and you just jumped off on me without knowing shit about it. In point of fact, my little

All cats come with a set of retractable blades on their paws. You can either declaw the little bastards, kick 'em out into the wild to wage war on creation, or suffer the damage they do to your carpet and furnishings.