Charles M. Hagmaier

The idea of Juliette having a mortal enemy somehow feels like that throwaway gag in Simpsons about Maggie having a nemesis.

Seriously, I'm a cheap bastard, and I don't especially like to shop at Big Lots. It smells of shoddy merchandise and despair. Although it isn't the worst place in the county, there's a remainders place I've only gone a couple times called "Ollie's". The prices aren't worth the near-visible miasma of miserliness

I have a drawer full of cheap knives I picked up at an estate sale. Once you're paying a dollar for a bag of blades, there's little reason to economize - or take particular care of them, for that matter. No knife-block for my bachelor ass.

That table that Juliette flipped out of her way at the end there looked particularly cheap and inappropriate to their usual design aesthetic. One step up from a church-basement folding table. They may have already started economizing on living-room furniture.

I liked the idea of the fight more than the execution. The editing was all over the place, jumpy, a little leaden. I guess if Coffee is pregnant, that makes for staging difficulties, but since they were in full mask, it should have been easier subbing in the stuntpeople.

If they blew the budget on the Excandesco, they need to audit their SFX department, because that was pretty rubbery.

He's basically the Hulk with a romance script. Except he kills people left and right. So does the Beauty, without the justification of the whole hulking-out thing, she's just kind of vicious, in the sense of "Mary Sue, red in tooth and claw". It's almost as much of a histrionic trainwreck as Revenge, but the

I've never tried the top-end offerings of Bushmills, if only because the standard Bushmills was so awful. Admittedly, I find most Irish whiskeys to barely be an improvement on swigging turpentine, but some of them aren't terrible - Redbreast is at least potable. Is Black Bush on the same level?

Looked like an old-model car phone.

They had the security detail on Paaswell's car, not the Jennings' car. Thus, when they saw the suspicious car twice on the same bearing as Paaswell, it set off their "tail!" alarms, and they started following them in turn.

That part of the definition is archaic, 98% of the time, somebody writes "stygian", they're saying it's dark, damn dark, not talking about a mythical river in the underworld. I'm not even sure that an adjective can be proper by definition.

The insinuation was that CIA security had an improbably large security detail on outer guard to Paaswell, and they spotted the two of them doing a long tail. Literally, the security cordon had a half-dozen cars driving a box blocks deep around Paaswell and caught them paralleling his course. I dunno, the logistics

Eh, only if you think scotch is delicious. I still hold that even single-malt scotch tastes like somebody washed out a used spice rack with grain alcohol. Even the more expensive bourbons aren't all that costly, and they actually taste like something someone would voluntarily drink. "Tastes just like a warm summer

The perils of a, what, yearly production cycle and maybe six-month in-show time-frames? And kids on the edge of puberty age unpredictably. Although casting a sixteen-year-old as 13 is courting danger. Unless they were planning ahead and Paige's going to get into sexual situations that would be inappropriate as all

Satire closes on Saturday night, and politically fraught historical spy drama gets ignored by everybody. Didn't help that the premise sounded like horrible Hollywood bollocks and the initial press was tailor-made to repulse the exact audience that would have loved it. Although I can't say how big an audience

And of course it's followed immediately by her talking about buying jewelry for her 14-year-old daughter's birthday instead of a bike. She, like the Russians of the period, has a very complicated relationship with consumerism.

"Single malt Irish whiskey", anesthetic is probably about what it's good for. At least it wasn't Bushmills. I don't think? I didn't get a good look at the bottle.

That didn't look like two teeth, it looked like two pieces of a shattered tooth. Which ups the pain level of the whole display considerably. She's going to be in for one hell of a dry socket mess in a few episodes, maybe even sepsis if they're not careful.

I did say "almost". We got our asses kicked often enough by Canadians to not think it was anything about intrinsic military valor, at least the northern half of the country. Southerners took rather the wrong lesson from their relatively untrammeled record of triumph over various Indian confederacies, and the

Or else they just got up on the prolix side of the bed.