Charles M. Hagmaier

Some sort of magic-to-electricity coupling generator leeching off whatever allows it to be twice as big on the inside as it is outside?

Yeah, they really rode that dream sequence hard, didn't they? Probably to make up for the fact that as a matter of plot, the episode was a lot of running in place making faces. Including that absolutely inessential Adalind scene, which could have just been left implied the next time they bring her back to Portland.

I *think* he was on that detail because they knew, and didn't realize he was part of the Wesen KKK. They're very economical with details on the day-to-day Wesen outside of the immediate confines of the procedural details and the political crap.

And yet no-one is ever charged with incitement to rampage.

And makes them excessively vulnerable to catastrophic disease events as a result. Probably has something to do why most commercial apple orchards are as heavily gassed as WWI battlefield trenches.

No, it's fucking asinine. The movie takes an *explicitly* racist book, and cuts and shifts enough to make it middle-of-the-road palatable. If you have problems with the movie - saintly zen-parable treacle that it is - you'd fucking die if you read the crap about New Guinea cannibals enslaving Gump to pick cotton

Which means he's perfect for the role. Look at how great Gotham turned out with a schmuck version of Bullock!

Apparently Tim Allen's had a sitcom for the last four years without my having noticed. Huh.

I can see Blue Bloods, at least in a social, New York Catholic sort of sense, although a lot of the time they strike me as more "cop" than "conservative" - they've still got that NYC/cop fixation on gun control and a generally tribal-statist, essentially corporatist approach to problems. "Let's get all the parties at

Well, it is massively self-serving to demand one candidate in a two-candidate contested race drop out for your convenience. I don't know what Diane's so pissed about - she's basically re-absorbed F/A in the context of Cary's trial and Alicia's candidacy, while retaining her tony corporate offices, and sloughed off

Which shows on the air would you consider explicitly "conservative"? Last one I watched that I'd give that title would be Breaking Bad, but then, I don't really watch the pure procedurals. Even shows like Elementary and Person of Interest are more idiosyncratic-oddball than "conservative". Maybe The Americans?

I was kind of annoyed that it took this sort of episode to drag the Easton pastors back on the show, just in time for the politicians to require Baptist armor. But I suppose the rest of the season's been too stuffed full of Cary/Kalinda/Bishop angst to let Peter's fall from grace breathe.

She doesn't think it's worth trying to change people

The problem with the review is the problem with the issue: people deciding that they need to throw a snit, and therefore by god they're gonna throw a snit.

Close, but their exposure grounds are actually raised structures built of stone on heights known in English as "towers of silence". The idea is to keep the dead from corrupting "earth" by burial or contact with the ground, and "fire" through burning. There are some cool images if you google around, they're

You've never heard of a red-letter bible, you monochromal heretic?

They do seem to be branching more heavily into "villain escapes Holmes" downbeat or ambiguous endings this season, don't they? Last time, it was the strong-AI-paranoia guy in the wheelchair facing down his blackmail bluff, with the question of whether Holmes was willing to fulfill the threat left in question; this

I did like how they managed to kill his character off in that late-season Dexter arc *before he even appeared*. That takes some concentrated… something. Bloodymindedness? And in favor of Tom Hanks' squirrelly little boy, at that.

I assume you've heard of the infamous KISS/Dazzler Jim Shooter script from the early Eighties?

Only in the Morrison/Joker sense of "sane".