Charles M. Hagmaier

I think you mean "Cherry 2000 was a film that was made."

This needs to happen. It sounds like what Bowfinger *ought* to have been.

His character was dishwater, but the arbitrary way they wrote him out derailed the entire show, and it just never recovered from it.

I think it was because he was going over to Beauty and the Beast? Which… really wasn't a step up, was it? I lasted about a season after they killed off the Ramamurthy character, but the plotlines kept chasing their tails, and I just lost interest. That and they were bound and determined to pair the lead up with

The ones that filled with flammable gas about a decade ago, causing random sewer grates to blow out in the streets around the Inner Harbor during a fan convention? I'm pretty sure they're just sewer tunnels.

The tactically approved solution for getting out of a box like that is to bust a hole out of the room that *isn't* covered by what sounds like a half-dozen shooters, but then the back quarters of the stock exchange may be more notably hardened than your average low-rent sheetrock labyrinth.

Well, the show does love its flashbacks. And I could see a scenario where Shaw did actually die, but then we get a lot of Machine-vision Shaw flashbacks once she's back from maternity leave. Although with a character as light on "inner life" as Shaw, I don't see how that would work on a narrative level.

He had catastrophically misrolled his initiative check.

I was wondering if it was aimed at all the Putin-idolizing Russophiles crawling around the 'net these days. I've been honestly surprised how many have emerged on the old warblogs. And of course, they love that old "Russians play chess, Americans play checkers" saw.

And then *every single simulation* and the real run-through they just burst through that door without any problems, even though we've just seen the Bad Samaritans had it zeroed-in and were pouring blind fire through it continuously. Root didn't even "God Mode" any return fire through the wrecked door to clear the

Dude, Root's already been a cyborg for the past year or so. A cochlear implant has replaced her earpiece since that go-round with the Carolyn Manheim character last year.

Weeelll… the invention of the term "middlebrow" was a mid-century snob appeal that pretty much amounted to the critics playing Samson in the Temple and pulling down the pillars on the philistines. Once they started throwing around the term "middlebrow" there *was* no "highbrow", because the art that got the

Ehh… the writing and presentation up through their second seasons - I can't agree. Orphan Black had some bad episodes - but not more than one or two. Homeland had a relatively tightly packaged first season, and then just unraveled episode by episode in its second season. Homeland was trying to do something much

Prison dating advice? "Now, how to get maximum mileage out of your inevitable prison-bitchitude…"

Or even if you offer all the right cultural capital - see noted forcible child-sodomist Roman Polanski, still free as a bird on French soil after all these years.

It's my understanding that you can't even take a long walk in Andorra without wandering out of the "country".

I still say he was liquefied on his way to the city sewage treatment plant, and never got out of her apartment alive.

Or maybe he sends Shawn Wallace against her with incomplete information, and she and the little troll ambush Bishop in an incomplete townhouse renovation, leaving Bishop dead and Kalinda takes an early retirement in the Dominican Republic.

But part of surviving prison for Cary would have to be working on how he would come out of it on the other side. A lot of this "no post-racial prison time" stuff is a tough-guy gloss on the straight-up real-racist gangs that recruit inside. Finding a "religious" gang (however racial in makeup it is in practice) is a

Pine's pet detective may very well be up on charges for his forged Brady violation, which will be all sorts of ironic, because he's simultaneously guilty of some sort of collusion with Castro on the entrapment while having been framed for withholding evidence he honestly didn't know about - but only through his own