Charles M. Hagmaier

Of course I've read Gotham Central, and I'm still mildly pissed that the Gotham TV series we got bore only glancing funhouse mirror resemblance to that comic. Except Gotham Central was more Homicide: Life On The Street than The Wire. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Except I don't know that characterizing Omar as a vigilante is an apt comparison. He was a vicious, heavily armed thief who specialized in knocking over stash houses and robbing mid-level drug dealers. Just because he had a bit of Robin Hood-style legendary charisma doesn't make him any less of a thief and murderer.

Well now, I've been vocal about wanting a comic-book the Wire, so I'm sort of with you on that, but DeKnight… he's easily the worst major writer to emerge from Joss Whedon's otherwise-legendary Buffy writing room. This is the man responsible for some truly terrible episodes of genre television. Smallville's

It was back when Slater played assholes on camera, rather than unpredictably on random street corners near real people.

Sure, cast the only male white TV actor shorter than Alan Tudyk next to Mike "taller than God" Colter. Are y'all *trying* to remake the old Schwarzenegger / DeVito buddy comedies?

Now see, I just can't picture Mike Colter saying something like that. What I've seen of him is just too… GQ for Luke Cage's brand of low-rent blacksploitation horsehockey. Maybe it's just the fact that I've mostly seen Colter playing Chicago's best-dressed Republican drug overlord, but he seems like he'd make a

So, any thoughts on how a black out-of-towner ambushed and murdered two (nonwhite) cops in Brooklyn along the same lines as the second murder in this episode two days after airing? It seems to be getting blamed on Garner/Brown animus and all the rot that follows in that wake rather than TV violence, but it surprised

I can't imagine how long her production days must be, especially when three or more clones are in a given set of scenes. They might have the *money* for extra makeup, but do they have the extra Tatiana?

Not *allowed* to mention it's in Toronto? Goddamn, the thing that drives me most crazy about Canadian productions is the damn placelessness they prize. Sense of place is a *good thing*, and relatively new environs are a plus - part of why I bailed on Ashes to Ashes after loving Life on Mars was the move from

Have y'all been watching movies in special hipster theatres I'm not allowed to sully with my red-state cooties, or don't you get ten minutes of bullshit advertising in front of your first-run movies in the Big City? For, like, the last ten years or so.

I didn't pay to see The Green Hornet, but I did find myself half-watching about ten minutes of it in a Lebanese hotel lobby, while killing time checking my email. It wasn't good, but it wasn't toxic waste, either. And less annoying than the Arabic pop-diva music videos that was on the TV before and after that

Because their pet hackers are almost certainly not operating out of North Korea? I'd give about three to one that it's some Russian or Chinese rent-a-blackhat outfit, if it isn't some klatch of First-World commie-symp script kiddies.

We're talking about a regime that has historically sent frogmen onto Japanese beaches to kidnap random citizens, and recently executed "enemies of the state" by heavy machine-gun fire & (allegedly) mortar fire. I wouldn't be surprised by any evil they might get up to, although it is debatable how long their covert

Hah. I had a music teacher who did this sort of crap with the Beatles, and an English teacher who did it with Simon & Garfunkel lyrics. Boomers, you know?

I don't know, it always reminded me of a pop-40 version of "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)". I didn't like "Fire" much, but then, I tend to prefer Joel in a less pompous mode, with the notable exception of "River of Dreams".

A long-time girlfriend of a friend of mine, every time I came over, she was watching Battlestar Galactica in the wrong aspect ratio. Very distracting, good thing I wasn't over there to watch TV… some people just never figure out how to switch their aspect ratios appropriately.

It's the same accent Blackthorne used for Harry Dresden. I think it's his standard mittelamerikan accent.

Some googling around indicates that it's probably an artifact of Hebraic usage, as that "ysh" sound doesn't appear in any of the standard Arabic dialects (no lie, some of the Arabic dialects are almost as mutually incomprehensible as the various Romance languages are with each other, with "Classical" Arabic serving

Wesenboro Baptist Church - I'm totally stealing that.