Charles M. Hagmaier

I may have to actually get Netflix. Or at least figure out how to get episodes in a timely manner. It wasn't the greatest procedural on television, but at least it wasn't set in New York, and had a rock-solid cast. Who, alas, often had to deal with damn stupid scripts…

Because Vegas let its lawyer drive somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert, and no-one ever saw it again?

I think we've already established that Addams is an agent of the Basilisk. Now excuse me while I go disappear in my backholler hideyhole and blow the entrance tunnel behind me…

You include actual human beings in the round-robin contact list. Presumably not individual testers, although that could be a more stringent version of the test, I suppose.

The plural of anecdote is not data.

Yeah, that's the silliest of examples, and isn't going to happen. Not "very, very unlikely to happen", "isn't going to happen". Not unless you figure out a way to move the planet millions of miles closer to the sun, slow its orbit down, or likewise do wild-ass Velikovsky crazy-pants cosmic shit that also ain't

Refugee and agricultural crises cause political destabilization which results in massive nuclear exchanges? Geoengineering scheme goes catastrophically awry, resulting in an iceworld scenario? Bioengineering causes killer pandemic? Admittedly, most apocalypse scenarios derive from crazypants overreactions to

Timing his announcement of the dissolution of the Republic to take out shows he dislikes, I suppose, but the joke's on him. CBS refused to air his speech, thus refusing to pre-empt Elementary, as did every other major network other than Univision. One presumes they would have refused if the show to be pre-empted was

I don't know, Elon Musk seems one step away from going full Hank Scorpio on the subject.

We would have no whiskey if it weren't for coopers. They are a vital element in the modern economy.

Tell me that somebody programmed Siri to belt out "Baby don't hurt me, no more" if you ask her "what is love?"

Yup, total "Uncanny Valley" fail. I think they were trying to go "unconventional quirky genius" with the AI guy, but just ended up "bundle of incoherent contradictions" instead. The death metal & the little baby doll didn't work right. Maybe if he had used a gothic lolita balljoint doll, they might have hit on a

"The Powers That Be".

Really? I kind of felt it all went a bit Tales of the Golden Monkey, especially in the last few episodes.

The problem with season 6 is that it tried to be two things at once - a series of character pieces for the "real" show in the flash-sideways sections, and then a somewhat ludicrous "mythology" arc on the Island for all the fans holding the "wrong" show in their minds. You can tell the writers preferred the

In sequential context, that's the least-moving-parts conclusion. But in spoiler retrospect, Hurley sees dead people, all the time, but especially at Santa Rosa.

Or even some random eleven-year-old corner boy with an old revolver and the drop on the old lion buying a pack of smokes.

Thus my headcanon theory that in PoIverse, after they had Milokovic die in prison before conviction, the ICC's shadowy sponsors got disgusted and established a blackbag outfit to liquidate offenders before they could be taken up by the idiots running the "public face" of the ICC. As these things do, the "Black ICC"

Her contacts with Romeo would have to be across the open network, since nobody would give that yutz access to SquirrelNet.

The facts and script of the reveal didn't bother me, it was the staging. Oh, we're going to put Shaw and company lurking in eyeshot a hundred feet down a corridor from the meeting, in plain damn sight. They tend to paint outside the edges in terms of talking about top-top secret-squirrel stuff in public, in front of