Charles M. Hagmaier

Heresy! No show can have too much The Wire, I don't care if we're talking about Agents of SHIELD, that Murder, She Wrote reboot project, or Big Bang Theory any TV series would be improved with a little touch of David Simon in the night.

Yeah, but by this point, I think we've established that the world of PoI is somewhat different from our own. In a lot of ways, PoI shares a lot with those crazy-paranoid early Seventies/"Long Sixties" movies like the Conversation and Three Days of the Condor.

Because there is no choice between good and evil; the only moral decisions are those between two evils. /Dominic channeling David Mamet

I never really placed Marlo's age in the Wire. Jamie Hector was twenty-nine when the show started, but his character didn't really climb the sandpile until a couple years later, and everybody knows how actors get cast five-ten-fifteen years younger than their characters… how old was Marlo supposed to be? Was it

Yeah, that pretty much jumped out at everybody, didn't it? But the timing… it would make Dominic twenty, maybe twenty-one at his oldest.
1) The actor doesn't *look* that young, he reads mid-late twenties, possibly a very young thirtysomething.
2) While I've heard of some cartel leadership in their early twenties, I

There's a story from the Civil War that I adore:

Honestly, Finn is weedy enough that I'm afraid Alicia would break him in that sort of mood. Say what you will about Peter, but the guy's big.

It's an Elmore Leonard show - which means it's about realistically stupid criminals and oddball, problematic law enforcement types. Goggins is, perhaps, too good for his role - it's distorted the storylines to the point where his character has almost taken over as the protagonist. Which is kind of odd, since we're

And running crises stoned out of his mind on seriously bad news prescription drugs?

Unless we're talking about Bishop and his marvelous suits. They're so spectacular that they should come off as pimplike or flamboyant, but somehow they're cut so businesslike that it reads "magnificent banker" instead.

Well, medicine is generally poison prescribed in sharply limited doses. Kind of like whiskey… and Shonda Rhimes soap operas.

The problem is that she's just another member of Kalinda's harem of law enforcement lipstick lesbians. Kalinda has been straight-up using all of them since the first season, and they all just keep letting it happen.

Ha! That could never happen. Next thing you'll be telling me that there'll be another Republican governor of Maryland.

Presumably the bug in the Bishop house is still active, and they caught the entire confrontation with Cary live, presumably followed shortly by the bug being found and destroyed. Now Lucy has some 'splaining to do, cause she straight-up leaked to Ethel.

Blackadder III? For my money, the best of the lot. There's something intrinsically funny about men in wigs and high heels.

Yeah, PoI's "Nautilus". Which was a better take on the idea, but this one isn't terrible, either. It's just second. Not that this is anything new - neat new ideas for plots get passed around the network procedurals like HPV. Hell, speaking of CBS procedurals reading over each others' shoulders, did you notice the

That was struck out by the Twelfth Amendment, which was ratified after a sitting Vice President murdered a political rival in a squalid scuffle in New Jersey.

That's no barrier. The Founding Fathers were drunk off their asses throughout the Constitutional Convention. Seriously, look it up, there are records. The Convention's alcohol consumption was absolutely epic. Our nation was founded in the alcoholic haze of a three-month group bender.

So basically Pink Panther, the TV series? I'm surprised it hasn't already gone to pilot. Actually, better check IMDB… nope, looks like it hasn't happened yet. Although I suspect that's more because producers figured no-one could tolerate a procedural lead with an atrocious put-on French accent for more than an

Semi-realistic procedurals on network TV get canceled in twelve, because my great-aunt or your grandma doesn't want to watch shows about corrupt aldermen, small-time drug gangs, granny-rapers, and convenience-store thieves. Which may be why Shawn Ryan can't get a show to stick on network TV.