Charles M. Hagmaier

I was wondering if perhaps he was actually a poor commodities trader and was covering his losses with the lottery scam. Really, the problem with these genius math criminals is that your actual in-the-wild criminal is more like the idjits on Justified than the typical procedural prey.

I think that was a separate kitchenette. The one we're used to from previous seasons has outside light from a window at the back of the brownstone.

Since I am not at all a sports person, I just asked a co-worker if he'd have recognized Simms, and he A) knew who I was talking about and B) said yes, probably, although he didn't have a strong mental image of the man's face. Sherlock, being neither an American nor at all likely to be a sports fan, wouldn't have

Second CBS procedural episode about literal nerd sniping this season. I don't watch the bulk of their procedurals - you'd have to be some flavor of autism spectrum to do *that* - but I'm willing to bet with Scorpion on the schedule, probability approaches 1.0 that there's a third one on the subject either already

Eh, Vic Mackey was a villain protagonist, there's a good deal of air between a Mackey and even a Tony Soprano.

Ehh… cuckolding is a term of art, and their relationship doesn't justify it, no matter what Cary feels. Especially when she denies the existence of an exclusive relationship.

Well, singletons don't. But back in the late Nineties, I shared a $1100/month apartment with three roommates in the grad-student slums of State College, and that's in a bad neighborhood, and a thirty-year-old dump of a complex. The usual rule of thumb is 1 to 100 - a property should generally cost about a hundred

Well, in the real world, that's because as monolithically Democratic as Cook County is, downstate and the suburbs are significantly if not overwhelmingly Republican, enough in good years to make a contest of state races, if not generally in presidential years. In TGW world? Eh. Whatever makes the plots run on time,

Given what we know about Castro, he couldn't possibly be running as a Republican in Cook County. Prady *could*, but from the talk about petitioning to get on the ballot, it sounds like he's running independent. And the whole shebang rather does sound like a primary, doesn't it? It could be the writers are eliding

Theoretically it's a partisan race, but the Democratic Party is so dominant in Cook County that it might as well be a nonpartisan race.

Despite the name, State's Attorney is a county office. It's just that when you're talking Cook County, we're talking about a county that bigger than all but 22 states.

Around here they do, but the Sandusky catastrophe really made a mess of my county's district attorney's office. The local district attorney bounced three times after the voters kicked him out of office, and the woman who replaced him made all sorts of "never again" promises.

I'd go with "Eli is an amoral if essentially harmless bastard". He's not malicious, and he doesn't plot the horrible destruction of his enemies, but he has no scruples except those imposed by the optics of any given situation.

He didn't have enough money to pay his bail *because* he was paying 4k a month for an apartment? I mean seriously, what the hell? Is Chicago real estate that dear?

I quote from the Cook County SA's recruitment page:

I hope so. Otherwise it's a fairly awkward pratfall of a plotting failure.

Could be we're looking at a case of news bifurcation confirmation bias, and you're right that you've seen that side of things, and I've only been seeing the men's-rights side of things via Glenn Reynolds and Helen Smith and probably a couple other places that don't immediately leap to mind. But it's still the case

I don't know her, but thought she looked vaguely like Lena Dunham, which set up weird resonances between the rape plotline and Dunham's current troubles in the news.

I went through a period where all white "bros" of a certain age looked alike to me. Same damn goatee, same hats, same terrible haircuts…

Actually, I thought she looked like Maddie Hayward. Probably an artifact of the make-up department. If they're rushed, there's a certain tendency towards making everyone look vaguely alike. I've been noticing that recently, marathoning Revenge. By the third season, the "look" of all the main actresses has