Charles M. Hagmaier

Castro just drops out of the race? Bullshit, writers. You may get bored with a character, but that sort of thing… well, before the Kansas Senate race, I'd have said that it never happens. And the Montana Senate race. Damn, the Democrats really were spastically desperate in the "square states" this year, weren't

Have they done the donation system yet in an episode? It's the sort of pseudo-legal alternative-to-law scheme that TGW loves to play with. Well, there was "In Sickness", but if I remember correctly, that was more about beating up on a hospital than exploring the politics of the peculiar anti-market voluntary donation

Oh, and Alicia totally got plastic-turkey'd! Complete with Finn Polmar as Alicia's very own work-wife Condi Rice substitute. Except that Finn isn't a work-wife, I'm not sure how exactly to characterize his new role, but he's definitely acting as a stand-in in Alicia's emotional life - substitute girlfriend,

That was… different. Due process in campus sexual assault cases is primarily a "Men's Rights" obsession, but the writers chose to flip the script by making it an accuser suffering the slings and arrows of a deeply bone-headed academic Star Chamber. Because everyone knows that universities are bastions of patriarchal

Actually, I was thinking of Latin America. You will find that the gun death rate champs are primarily in Central America & South America, aside from the notable exception of South Africa, which is usually held to be the most-developed country in sub-Saharan Africa.

The point is that many third-world countries have similar or far higher gun-related death rates, so the sneer held within it "real countries" or perhaps "civilized countries". Rather like all the anti-death-penalty snobs who used to sniff that the US was the only developed country that still had a death penalty, thus

Maybe, but "SO fakes own suicide to get out of relationship" must count for break-up purposes.

Modern-day police procedure is to tape off the blocks as the crowd loots its way across the city, and if they seem inclined to make their way into expensive real-estate, send in plainclothesmen to lead them in more fruitful directions. Instant urban renewal!

He's gotten someone to make an automated suiting-up rack that's triggered by picking up the bow. (Think Tony Stark's The Avengers suiting apparatus.) We just haven't seen it yet because the showrunners haven't gotten the CGI to work properly on a TV budget…

It's DC. Once characters have their origin story, they are perpetually and forevermore twenty-five or thirty-five or what have you. Except for imaginary stories.

The Script Doctor - has the supernaturally-conferred ability to alter an opponent's character arc and make them vulnerable to attack by stripping away their plot armor. Usually found working as a much-abused minion to The Auteur.

Cool. Maybe we'll be seeing shark-themed deathtraps later this season.

What, like a compiler within the interface, so that you could insert code into a vanilla version of Zork, and sic ninja assassins on the grues? That could be cool.

At this point, he's basically Hank Scorpio.

The fact that he was shown *throwing* the arrows at her probably broke enough viewers brains that no-one's up to talking about it. Wonder if that has something to do with why Roy's rate of fire in the rescue-fight was arthritically slow.

Dude, over six hundred comments, and nobody's talking about the welcome, if belated introduction of crazy elaborate death-traps to the Arrowverse?

I dunno, the lights between work and home have been out for more than a week, and there isn't a pile of twisted wreckage shoved to the side on all corners of the intersection. People adjust, if they're well-adjusted. Since Starling City is apparently Detroit-on-the-Pacific, maybe the fault lies not in the

Oh, for the love of… maybe The National Review on Davis, who pretty much turned into a favored chew-toy for various writers there, including Williamson, Geraghrty, and Cooke, although the usual line over there is that Davis was campaigning for a slot on MSNBC, a completely different flavor of bad faith…. Oh, here it

I forgot Matan entirely. :(

Yeah, that's what happens when you comment at 3:30 AM nursing a hangover. Marathoning Revenge is going to pickle my liver.