Charles M. Hagmaier

I honestly thought they were pathologizing her… distractions, and were intending to go somewhere with that. She's bordering on nonfunctional. If she *did* have kids, does she still have them? What's her family life like? Maybe it's just having finished marathoning Awake, but the phrase "disordered schizophrenic"

Let us introduce you to the concept of "revolutionary truth", komrad. Right behind this door over here, Colonel Blokhin will explain.

The Others' knowledge about the Losties were frankly impossible by non-2004 standards short of supernatural means. Seriously, they knew things that would be stretching it for The Machine in the first season of Person of Interest. That impossible level of knowledge, combined with the later reveal that the Others had

Which… Malcolm just did. Huh.

Well, there's been eight kinds of chaos in the NYC underworld, presumably this is the street lieutenants rising to the top of a suddenly tumbled pile. The idea that the Brotherhood doesn't believe in territories is a recipe for blood in the gutters, for instance. Which would explain why Marlo's suddenly driving

I have a question: why is PoI a procedural? I offer a distinction between related, but distinct hour-drama cousins: the detecting procedural, and the caper show. The procedural is about the unravelling of a mystery, usually a crime, but always a puzzle, and the resolution of the crime or puzzle in a way that

Dullification? Not the epithet I'd use, although I suspect we share the basic sentiment: AHS went from entertainingly crazy to awful-crazy.

Uh, I thought it was an elliptical warning to Elias to go silent and keep to the shadows - even moreso than he had in the past?

That's a go-get-a-beer line if I ever saw one. But what does it mean? Alchemical Marriage is usually an esoteric magickal concept having to do with the union of psychological opposites (allegorised as masculine/feminine bride/groom), or the self with the divine, depending on which tradition you're working in.

As Omar taught us, the stash is *never* left alone like that. Ugh, I started looking up the street value of two dozen ten-kilo bricks of uncut heroin, and then realized that continuing that search is likely to get my machine riddled with malware, and quit. Many, many millions I'd guess.

Also, practical and safety issues. No-one ever wants a repeat of the Twilight Zone-Landis accident, so they're very careful with child actors and action sets.

There's all sorts of child-labor laws and regulations that severely curtail their use on an active set, especially when you're constantly dragging your cast around the streets of NYC. That can cause serious production issues.

Yeah, sorry, I was trying to be funny there…

Would that be botox-forehead? Might not be a choice.

What are you thinking, Pulp Fiction Marvin scene? It would have deflated the narrative they were going for… I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't appeared yet as a relevant-number inciting incident yet. Seems more like a first season idea than the current version of the show, though.

Well, yeah. Was it third season of OUaT when they decided to make a child actor their big bad? Because that finally bounced me right out of watching the show. But then, pretty much everyone and everything on OUaT was some flavor of terribad other than the guy who plays Mr. Gold, I think that's supposed to be part

It's pretty much what Finch said to Reese in the pilot.

"Crouching moron…" isn't my coinage, that's a TV Tropes mainstay. (The usual warning about TV Tropes and bottomless internet time-sucks.)

I'd say that the wizard did it, but I think they killed him in the pilot episode.

Yeah, destroy it from afar with his heat vision. AKA "vaporize the rock poison so that it gets on *everything*". Were you the guy who sent out those poor schlubs to power-wash the ebola vomit from that Dallas parking lot?