Charles M. Hagmaier

Well, at least she hasn't built a candle-sculpture in her fireplace yet.

…which looked like ass and broke my regard for big-screen CGI for about ten-fifteen years. Between LOTR and its horrible battle scenes (radical wood-elves surfing oliphants on shields!) and the Revenge of the Sith opening battle, I just went absolutely apeshit no-goddamn-CGI-ever for a while there. American movies

Just so they don't call them multiverse versions of himself, because DC's in a twelve-step program for many-worlds hypothesis abuse.

Soylent Black.

What, you'd prefer that he stood around and talked in labored riddles, or whatever tic it is that a "Reverse Flash" would indulge in? I still think that a Reverse Flash should be somebody who never, ever moves, and yet he's going to kill us all someday, far in the future… possibly in a way that negates existence,

Meh, you know how much the Arrow crew loves name-dopplegangers. They'll bring "him" back as a relative inheriting the Stagg resource base. A brother or nephew or something like that, complete with a niece named… what was her name? Sapphire?

The Barry-gets-clobbered-by-clones scenes reminded me of the Stephen Chow monks-with-folding-chairs gag from God of Cookery. I don't *think* they were going for "hilarious" there.

You mean "Wolf and Cub"? Ehh… maybe.

Way too eager to follow a homicide detective around, offered some preposterous line about moles as a standing excuse to never contact her chain of command at any point during his interaction with her, dumping her own partner at the scene, generally shady affect. Of course, given Reese's dead-eyed I-am-not-a-spook

Flushing some kids out of a parking lot with automatic fire… not exactly subtle. That was some Miami Vice reality-who-cares-about-realism shit right there.

The advertising on CBS's stream this morning was choked solid with CBS procedural advertising. The ad for the current version of CSI… reminds me why I don't watch all the acronymic procedurals. Good god they look by-the-numbers.

The favorite weapon of real-world mafia hitmen historically have been little .25 calibre handguns - usually revolvers - used against the back of the head. But yeah, not a big honking automatic like that. But TV drama loves their pretty little headshots.

At this point, I'm starting to think that PoI's production team can't handle child actors. The presence of one (let alone two!) always drags down an episode.

The DEA agent erasure was more of a Sons of Anarchy moment - The Wire would have built an epic departmental freakout around something like a DEA agent getting dumped in the neighborhoods, PoI likes to think it can get away with a lot of "heightened reality" things. See Reese shooting an unarmed suspect in front of a

It's more of a PoI issue, I think. Honestly, I was a little disappointed in Reese. Although he *looked* suspicious of her, he let her get away with way too much crap, given how many times he's been taken this way. The Mini/Dominic reveal was better-done, but still a little rote by now. They can't keep going to the

Ehhh… maybe? She was wacky, and dancing, and doing something with videos. The flaky outfit distracted from her face, and she barely had any lines. I feel like Alicia in that Colin Sweeney episode about unreliable memory now. Is it possible that all scrawny white Manic Pixie Dream Girls look alike to me?

Interesting that Colter hasn't watched The Wire. His Bishop isn't *emotionally* much like Stringer Bell, although everybody and his sister have noted the characters' structural and intellectual similarities. Which, I suppose, indicates that the *writers* have seen The Wire if not Colter.

Right, the logic didn't track, not that it was an impossibility. Just a narrative non sequitur.

As opposed to all the scotch, steak and strippers that donors' money can buy the consultancy? I'm starting to think that drug lords might improve the moral tone of politics, the prospect of hanging concentrates the mind wonderfully.

Until their drivers start driving drunk, too. Although I don't think that was the excuse for the State Department driver who ran over a prominent DC blogger in 2010.