Charles M. Hagmaier

I wonder what the fatal dose is for those dermal patches. It isn't much for swallowed, is it?

i think their concern for their covers has to do with human, analog "backups" to Samaritan noticing their antics and noticing the errors in its classification system. As I understand the blind spot technique Root and the Machine used, they could do any egregious nonsense their wildly destructive ids could conceive,

I think we were supposed to be amused by Reese's inadvertent and unwitting replication of the PoI's strategies for seducing women to get in good with his new captain. Listen, find out what they want, show interest, support their enthusiasms, strategic well-tailored gifts that show you've been paying attention.

The teaching not so much, but as for Jesus himself, there is a debatable passage in Josephus' Antiquities that mentions him negatively, and another undebatable passage that talks about "James, the Brother of Jesus", both of them written (or allegedly written) within a generation of the crucifixion. There is a

I was reading an article about some studies of medieval "trial by combat" case-law, and the conclusion was that it was actually somewhat effective in a rough-justice sort of way. The *belief* that God would favor the right in the trial was a powerful motivator for the guilty party to settle in the face of death or

And that would have been a catastrophic error in an actual Matthew Process proceeding, I suspect. Verse interpretation is a crazy-fractal rabbit-hole of a knowledge base, and people spend their entire lives studying and arguing about it, only to come, in the age of their studies, to daggers-drawn divergent opinions

It's the return of the motif of the criminal gaze. Good people see nothing, and the bad see everything. Cobblepot murders a thug a hundred feet from the food-truck guy, and that guy sees and hears nothing. But the first thing he sees on returning to Gotham, is a cop shaking down a vendor, a pickpocket at work, a

The state's attorney for Cook County wouldn't be investigating the governor, would she?

We're pretty sure Jesus wasn't actually born AD 1. For one thing, the tradition of the flight to Egypt and return upon his death… I once read a book that tried to make sense of the Magi & novas/supernovae/comets that might have matched up. The author thought there were some events 6 through 3 BC that might have

You know he harrowed Hell on a Harley.

The majority of my conversations, but that's because I handle customer support calls w/ end-users who aren't really tech-savvy. It's the same five problems, hopefully in rough sequence and not in clusters of one of the five, all day long…

Well, we've heard her *talk* about it, but it's been all from her point of view, and I think we're maybe supposed to take her as being at least a little unreliable-narrator on her own narrative. There has to be some reason the Kings have *never* flashed back to her pre-job-hunt life aside from narrative convenience.

You don't have to be a literalist to buy into the Matthew process, but you probably do have to take your Christianity seriously, in a very idealistic and sola scriptura fashion. It seems like the sort of thing that burns itself out in any practical usage, because it is just plain nonfunctional at any large scale.

I like the idea that she was rebelling against unseen pressure by Castro. The way she tentatively encouraged Alicia's imaginary run for office suggests *something* is going on there, and between Castro glaring at *someone* between him and the wall behind the witness stand (not necessarily Grubrick, the blocking

I don't think we've ever seen Alicia pre-scandal, or Jackie in her prime. Jackie as we know her is someone who is acting out because she knows that she's losing her milieu. As with many people with power, Jackie probably only really started being overbearing and acting "powerful" when she *had* to, because her

My company does stuff vaguely like that on the research side of things. It is, actually, something that should be addressed by expert testimony. Has to do with pollen drift, prevailing wind patterns, actual wind records, etc. They were simplifying it for the sake of a rather tight narrative.

I never understood the Cult of Finn. People love to hate on Cary for his privileged-white-boy affect, but Finn gave me that vibe times six.

Illinois wiretapping law. Notice she explicitly tells him she's recording instead of just whipping it out in front of him? The verbal informing was a necessary act.

Richard Thomas has been playing a pretty solid good-guy character on The Americans, an FBI supervisor who's displayed a fairly high ethical standard so far. Especially in the dark-grey and black moral world of that show.

I didn't know the name, but I'm familiar with the concept. I have a half-read book sitting on a shelf somewhere around here called The Political Teachings of Jesus which dwelt heavily on this extra-judicial arbitration concept. If I were a believer, that book would have triggered a hell of a crisis of faith, because