Charles M. Hagmaier

And that's what made me like it to start with.

The show's been packed solid. I don't know they have screentime so far for LGC shenanigans. There was a reason we never got scenes at wherever Patti Nyholm and the rest of the opposing counsel hung their hats.

I didn't mind the initial, real Steinem appearance, but the additional fantasy sequences were obnxious, and I thought the inclusions unbalanced the episode, as well as violating Alicia's dignity. Yes, people have these sorts of unworthy inner fantasies, but almost everyone who aren't certifiable never share them.

She definitely would insinuate it, in the right company, and insinuate the polar opposite in another sort of company, but she'd never be so gauche to say anything so direct and flyover, or the gentry-liberal opposing sentiment to that degree of bluntness. Old Alicia was more like Jackie than she ever would like to

So, do you hold Moby Dick in equal contempt? What *does* meet your approval? Do you consider The Great Gatsby to be tedious chicklit? Is Crime and Punishment a dull police procedural? Is Persuasion a soppy Regency Romance? Is Huckleberry Finn a limp, joyless bildungsroman?

I suspect this Alfred was a sergeant in a line regiment Thomas met in "the War". He's definitely not SAS material, not even Guards.

That was, no lie, Young Bruce Wayne's apparent solution to the "what do we do with homeless street kids" - give them outfits. Which… explains a lot about Robin and Batgirl now that I think about it.

Which is why everybody hates The Wire like fire, of course. It's what they *want* to do, the question is whether they can maintain the pitch-black doom of cartoon-city The Wire for any period of time on network TV without getting eaten by the shark they'll have to jump pretty much every other episode.

Really? So far he's basically behaved like one of the psychobillies from Justified - one of the less-dim Crowes, or Dickie.

Ties in with what's in The Killing Joke so far, although it makes him older than what we saw in the Alan Moore book. Assuming that they don't bring him back, ever.

What was the one where Catwoman turns into an actual cat-woman? Because that would get second-worst.

Which was driven by the fact that the production team hadn't done their math correctly and realized halfway through that the young Adama would still have grown up to be way too damn old to be Eddie Olmos given the timeline.

Yeah, but left me wondering if the Waynes are Scientologists.

All versions of the Riddler are grinning idiots. Especially this one.

Sava seems to specialize in shows nobody competent is interested in writing about. I guess allowances ought to be made. He's not the recapper we want, he's the one we deserve.

Since BTAS and Burton, schizo-era styling is the Batman cinematic "thing". It's a reversion to type after the Nolan breather.

Alfred is *weird* though - admittedly Michael Caine's Alfred wasn't exactly the usual polished assumed-class butler, but this one is explicitly working-class and rough as two blocks of the East End docks. How in the world did *this* Alfred end up the butler to a pair of Knickerbocker old-money billionaires?

Really? I dropped Vegas because the writers and staff got bored and started telling bullshit Hollywood stories with the protagonist's penis-on-legs idiot son.

They have the backstory of the Batman universe to start with, and that dictates certain things. Baltimore is notable for *not* being a Mafia town - it's a split between a traditionally White/Irish colonial police and various mayfly petit-criminal Black gangs running the streets - whereas Gotham is traditionally a

It hurts their little brains. I don't know why anyone would watch a Batman-universe show and complain about the contrast between grimdark as all fuck seriousness and high-operatic freakshow camp oddity. That's pretty much the Batman deal.