Charles M. Hagmaier

Do you think they'll hire Donald Kaufman to run the writers' room?

It keeps getting worse. They wanted to make her a complete monster, and then they needed to figure out how to stretch her out for multiple seasons without either literally killing the heroine or spectacularly self-destructing, and the craziness just sheds all over the rest of the show in ways that don't really… hold

If childhood media consumption seriously influences your philosophies, politics and ethics, then American conservatism would be peopled entirely by the Amish, people too poor to own TVs or radios, and people whose folks refused to let them watch anything other than the religious channels and Lawrence Welk. Since this

The aliens are basically Kitty Pride - they use their psychic time-travel magic to munchkin their way to victory. Our hero has some special Marty Stu ability to learn right along with the bugs and win the day by munchkining right back at 'em. Which is why keeping the protagonist a reedy little JSDF recruit really

So, this was originally a Japanese novel called All You Need Is Kill. Almost the same plot, except the protagonist was about twenty, and a member of the JSDF. It was a pretty decent riff on Starship Troopers. Spot-welding a fifty-something Scientologist troll into it strikes me as a formula for unwatchable bloat.

Did he actually… pay? Because that sounds like the smoothest cage of a free coffee I've ever heard of.

As history's least convincing prostitute.

That's the thing - she's not ambitious for herself. Merely her genes. That's kind of the whole point of her character, and why Alicia hates her like fire, and her own son can't deal with her. She's old-school "patriarchy" femininity, which means massively passive-aggressive, steel-magnolia machiavellian, and

He was still in office, but pretty much a lame duck as far as elections go. There was more angst over how absolutely arbitrary HRC's residency in New York was, but that state has a history with this sort of entitled dynastic carpetbaggery - Robert Kennedy sleazed his way into a senatorial seat in almost the exact

You're about to expose my amazingly shallow and theoretical knowledge of Chicagoland geography, so shh!

The Good Wife is kind of like Smallville: they both have plot-driven geography. When nobody had offices there, Springfield was downstate. Now that Peter's governor, Springfield is in the suburbs of Chicago. Maybe somewhere northeast of Joliet.

That's the Matthew Perry character? I thought he was a downstate guy. The Good Wife has all sorts of weird lacunae in its political universe - there are few to no aldermen, the mayor doesn't seem to exist, the state assembly and senate aren't a factor, etc. But F/A and L/G exist mostly in the business/criminal

For some reason, 'wafe' is funnier, at least because "waif", while an actual word, is still utterly nonsensical.

1) Eli, that is so not a good idea
2) I'm pretty sure "having a good idea" for more than a minute or two is a neurological condition.

Are we doing the racially-based face-blindness thing now?

Kalinda's sex life has often been distressingly transactional, but yeah, this week was exceptionally gross. Pretty much everyone was maxing out their gross meters this week except, surprisingly, Peter. And maybe Diane.

I have difficulty telling apart Eli's "in love" and "in politics" faces, to be honest. And I *loathe* the Alicia for State's Attorney idea. It is eight ways from Sunday a conflict of interest, especially with Peter "Just marking time until my indictment" Florrick in the equation.

I don't remember Lady Macbeth being particularly clever, just scaldingly ambitious. She wasn't a Portia or Viola, really.

I don’t care how much Zach wants to escape (a lot), who leaves the very night of their high school graduation for college?

Yeah. That was one hell of a downer ending. Although the hey-look-over-there brick-joke setup at the end was interesting enough to make up for it, at least for me.