Charles M. Hagmaier

Oof, that third episode. I can see why it had difficulty finding an audience. It *looks* like "Call Me Earl refuses to get a PI license", but there's some serious what-the-hell-hero elements here. It's not like Psych, where we're mostly expected to roll with the fact that the protagonist is kind of a Comedic

Ok, watching the pilot, it was pretty great, at least for a cast of whiteboys. Ordered the whole season, we'll see if it pays off for the season. But yeah, that was a solid opener, if California as all hell.

I can almost tolerate Northern Virginia snowpack, as Cutlass says, snow can happen in April, even heavy in April. But Virginia Beach? It's way the hell south. I tend to fly to Florida in January or February, and even this year - this horrible, horrible year, when Philly was covered in snow in March, the snowpack

Oh, and the location problems this episode just went absolutely critical. They had a foot and a half of rotten snow all over the "Virginia Beach" parking lot in "April". This is what happens when you use Long Island in the heart of winter to "double as the Chesapeake in the spring". I mean the winter of 1982-83 was

It's used pretty much everywhere. People used it in old SF club meetings back in the early Nineties. It's the natural back-formation from ST:TNG to ST:TOS. I wouldn't be surprised if it were current within three months of the first season's run of TNG, I wasn't active in fandom back then, and my dad, who was a big

I dunno, my youth pastor had a much, much more conservative haircut, and he used to let us listen to Pink Floyd and loan out copies of the Lord of the Rings and so forth. Liberal church, too. Although we would *never* have shipped off a group for political purposes like that - overnight trips were for charity gigs

I like that. I like that a lot. Except is that how stealth actually works?

The problem there is that he wouldn't be an Directorate S operative, with all the training and indoctrination and love for the rodina that implies. He'd be another asset - possibly ideologically or emotionally motivated, but still - another asset.

Not hugely familiar with it - could recognize it as Radiohead, but all that registered was that distinctive Yorke whine, the lyrics themselves were kind of a wordless blur. (Googling) Ok, I can see your point. "I hope you choke on it".

Come on, you need to toughen up if you're conservative. You'll never last if you take every crack by a writer to heart - they're 85% crazed lib. We're always outnumbered online, if never outgunned. Laugh it off, and lay rhetorical traps for 'em.

You had me, and then you lost me. Although from what I heard of the guy headlining this year's White House Correspondents Dinner, deliberately over-explaining jokes on a "crossing the line twice" basis is now state-of-the-art standup, so who knows?

I thought the hammer was his penis?

I dunno. I had problems with her early appearances, but ever since she found out that she had accidentally joined a neo-Nazi terrorist conspiracy and developed this panicky how-do-I-get-out-of-this-without-being-skinned gleam in her eyes, while simultaneously delighted by the potential for monster-farming - that

Giant head with tiny little legs - hard to take seriously in live action.

Your Oswalt is in another bunker, Phil?

He suffered from being a Nineties anti-hero type a couple years before that was a proper thing, I suppose.

Sounds like he got arrested for violating one of the unwritten commandments - never mouth off at a police officer in the midst of his duty. Good on them - Baldwin's an entitled creep. And Manhattan's a crowded island - bicyclists doing whatever the hell they feel like are a threat to themselves, and more

Not that I'm aware of, but I'm like sixty issues behind on my Spider-man reading. That expression used to be "Uncle Ben, Jason Todd, and Bucky". It keeps getting whittled down…

The devil you say!

Can they be Double-Secret Avengers?