Charles M. Hagmaier

Nobody in Marvel comics stays dead except Uncle Ben and Bucky. Oh, wait…

I think his armor was a mean countenance and a dyspeptic constitution. He was turning into Marv from Sin City at the end there.

Northern Lights themselves engineered their own shake-and-bake terror attack in 2010 - the one that killed Ingram and mangled Finch? You'd think Control would be less… gullible.

I didn't catch it on first watch - did Reese at least wince at having let that one slip?

I hear the Whedons quietly hired Mitt to turn around Agents of SHIELD.

I didn't love the Pandora's Box speech. It needed another draft or two, the delivered version was too on-the-nose.

It's not that much more genre than Homeland which the Emmies slobbered all over, despite that show imploding in its second season.

I've never even heard of Terriers. Some sort of detective show?

Was The Chicago Code any good? I mean, I've seen the Whedon stuff he's been involved in…

He's been intermittently busy on Grimm on the other end of the Whedon diaspora as the resident scenery-chewing Grand Moff, er, Prince.

How much responsibility did Minear have for the third season of American Horror Story? Because if it's a lot, it'll take a lot for me to trust him on this sort of thing. That show went wildly off the rails.

That… would explain a lot about how it was drafted. Including that business about "passing it to find out what's in it." Have you *seen* the chart laying out the changes and new offices and commissions and so forth? Hydra probably hid its black budget in that microscopic little notation "47 additional offices

I liked how it fed off of Garrett's TAHITI-addled mysticism. The two soliloquies really gave the episode a solid rhetorical spine.

Can't have a cool curbstomp battle if there isn't any unstudded sheetrock to smash combatants through. Well, you can, but you start getting into Saw territory, which probably would freak out the ABC S&P people.

He needs a longer gig. Last couple times he's shown up in one of the shows I follow, they kill him ugly inside of two episodes.

In fact, I'd say that they got perilously close to turning Garrett into a Magical Villain, with all of his talk of being connected to the universe and playing spirit-animal shaman for "Flowers", who looks at him with the exact amazed, transported expression you'll find on those whitebread heroes sitting at the feet of

*Forgot*? Rather, I'd say that they've preserved potential for the second season, since that's a lock, and they need something to do with their airtime.

I'm not a diver, but I think ninety feet is enough to generate human-significant pressure. And she would have encountered the compression issues when they blew in the window, I think?

I know! Wasn't it cool?

I was honestly impressed by the show, maybe for the first time. The writing was tight and inspired in places, the action was good, the pacing solid, and in general, they hit their marks and made me love the characters for the first time. I was honestly sad to see crazy-eyes Garrett go, although since he was in the